S U P E R N A T U R A L from my Teacher.
I just coming back from visited to one of my secondary school teacher,
she was my secondary mandarin teacher and she is my friend now.
I knew her since I'm form 3 if not mistake,
and we had our dinner together always when I was starting form 4.
BUT, just now I know she have the SUPERNATURAL POWER,
she can distinguish and determine people just from looked their face, either real people or just in photo.
wow...very amazing and very accurate!!!!!...
90% accurate!! very!!! wow...
and now, I know that people well now.
what life means to us is determined not so much by what life brings to us as by the attitude we bring to life; not so much by what happens to us as by our reaction to what happens~
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Monday, July 25, 2011
So suddenly I'm feeling happy and lucky.
I have nice place for training there although the supervisor for farm is a Gangster..><
I have a group of best team mates who very bekerjasama for everything in tis training except think for next objective, haha. bt just now I very thanks for their team work and made all works become easily and run smoothly, and now they also have try their best in think for objective. I like I like ^^...
I have a very good teacher who had bought me walked around p.penang and a lots fun.
I have a group of best matrix' friends who are always miss me and I always miss them. ><. (jz always shared problem and solve with given idea).
I have a group of Uni' course mates, although sometime we are nt in chatting or sharing, but I love all of them always, whatever chinese girl friend, malay girl friends or malay boy friends,...all I love so much. this is because all of them have their own special and characteristic which let me learn in life and grown up. little miss them de.>< ....
and I'm random....my heart is feeling so light and happy. ^^..
and one more thing, I miss my mom and dad oo...my pets also...my fishes...death one fish liao. huhu.
I have nice place for training there although the supervisor for farm is a Gangster..><
I have a group of best team mates who very bekerjasama for everything in tis training except think for next objective, haha. bt just now I very thanks for their team work and made all works become easily and run smoothly, and now they also have try their best in think for objective. I like I like ^^...
I have a very good teacher who had bought me walked around p.penang and a lots fun.
I have a group of best matrix' friends who are always miss me and I always miss them. ><. (jz always shared problem and solve with given idea).
I have a group of Uni' course mates, although sometime we are nt in chatting or sharing, but I love all of them always, whatever chinese girl friend, malay girl friends or malay boy friends,...all I love so much. this is because all of them have their own special and characteristic which let me learn in life and grown up. little miss them de.>< ....
and I'm random....my heart is feeling so light and happy. ^^..
and one more thing, I miss my mom and dad oo...my pets also...my fishes...death one fish liao. huhu.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
I'm back to Pantai Acheh..
this two days I had met up with my secondary school teacher and stayed in her home.
I really really happy for this two days.
I hope my every day will be like that,
I appreciated
She treated me a lot of delicious food in P.Penang.
She bough me to visited a lot nice places in P.Penang.
I was happy!!!! ><.....
reached home, I open FB, ohpss...FB memang buat hal lah..hahha
this time, I seems like really have misunderstand the people.
so, I think it was my false, so I called him and apologized to him.
and one thing we both are agreed to remove friend on FB,
from my brief to him I think he can understand,
the aim for remove friend just for prevent have misunderstand between us via the FB post for next 3 years.
since I'm emo,
He also...
then have a lot things happen just due on FB, never explain, so I think remove is good for us.
and got his permission de.
so we just thinking positive lo.
night, I had received a msg from a new phone numbor,
but I think is another friend.
I called try to know who and why said so,..
but cnt call and off...><....tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...........
I dun wan to write reply msg as I dun wan have any misunderstand from languages btw us again, so I call..bt..............tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.........."the number U have called is unavailable,please try ltr"
so I reply as msg so, my answer is simple : " ok, no problem."
jz live simple...^^
good bye, need going to sleep de. tomorrow have got a lot of fun work are waiting for me ^^
this two days I had met up with my secondary school teacher and stayed in her home.
I really really happy for this two days.
I hope my every day will be like that,
I appreciated
She treated me a lot of delicious food in P.Penang.
She bough me to visited a lot nice places in P.Penang.
I was happy!!!! ><.....
reached home, I open FB, ohpss...FB memang buat hal lah..hahha
this time, I seems like really have misunderstand the people.
so, I think it was my false, so I called him and apologized to him.
and one thing we both are agreed to remove friend on FB,
from my brief to him I think he can understand,
the aim for remove friend just for prevent have misunderstand between us via the FB post for next 3 years.
since I'm emo,
He also...
then have a lot things happen just due on FB, never explain, so I think remove is good for us.
and got his permission de.
so we just thinking positive lo.
night, I had received a msg from a new phone numbor,
but I think is another friend.
I called try to know who and why said so,..
but cnt call and off...><....tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...........
I dun wan to write reply msg as I dun wan have any misunderstand from languages btw us again, so I call..bt..............tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.........."the number U have called is unavailable,please try ltr"
so I reply as msg so, my answer is simple : " ok, no problem."
jz live simple...^^
good bye, need going to sleep de. tomorrow have got a lot of fun work are waiting for me ^^
Friday, July 22, 2011
yup, I'm wake up from a morning message from one of my friend.
the friend we always called between " BFF"= best friend forever. haha
she is asked me how about for recent life, and same from me to her.
but, she still working today?? weird ...!!.
seems both of my teammate have not any plan for this weekend ,
and another group of my course mates who having their training at P.penang will coming our place just for meet up.
so, they maybe have their activities.
and I'm plan to meet up with my teacher and will be stay at her small small and old old home for one night.
I want to have fun with my this teacher since we haven meet up after secondary school but we always had our dinner together along secondary school.
I want to share with her my life in this two year and all about her. haha
she is cute and good. ><
some time I think I'm like her for our characteristics..
she also the style so dare to said out her opinion and feeling,
what the correct and what the wrong,
what she accept for and what she reject...
I think I almost like that,
she said so....
so, in the secondary school, she was bully by another group of teacher who are strong in talking some back,
and my this teacher is so directly for thing,
so she kene bully and hates by them...OMG~..
very kesian her rite?
but she is good de....^^
I want go kacau her!!!!! wkakkaakaka....I always said her like this " you are old woman who dun wan you, fast fast go fing a bf lah, dun jz work!!" hahhaa.
the friend we always called between " BFF"= best friend forever. haha
she is asked me how about for recent life, and same from me to her.
but, she still working today?? weird ...!!.
seems both of my teammate have not any plan for this weekend ,
and another group of my course mates who having their training at P.penang will coming our place just for meet up.
so, they maybe have their activities.
and I'm plan to meet up with my teacher and will be stay at her small small and old old home for one night.
I want to have fun with my this teacher since we haven meet up after secondary school but we always had our dinner together along secondary school.
I want to share with her my life in this two year and all about her. haha
she is cute and good. ><
some time I think I'm like her for our characteristics..
she also the style so dare to said out her opinion and feeling,
what the correct and what the wrong,
what she accept for and what she reject...
I think I almost like that,
she said so....
so, in the secondary school, she was bully by another group of teacher who are strong in talking some back,
and my this teacher is so directly for thing,
so she kene bully and hates by them...OMG~..
very kesian her rite?
but she is good de....^^
I want go kacau her!!!!! wkakkaakaka....I always said her like this " you are old woman who dun wan you, fast fast go fing a bf lah, dun jz work!!" hahhaa.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Oh no!!!!!! I'm feeling sick today.
I'm feeling uncomfortable for whole today.
I'm still attend the farm particle as usual.
Today we went the farm around 9am.
On the way, I'm feeling tired, and when enter the farm I'm feeling very uncomfortable.
Headache, blurry in visual , tasteless for my tongue, feeling dehydration.
and...one thing to worry is what to do for today, since I asked for my one teammate to decided and think for the objective today, but he just said : "dun know", what the bikin panas answer from him, try lah discuss with me, dun just always waiting for my idea.
He was asking me " what to do for us today" when I'm feeling uncomfortable, so I just answered him : " fikir lah sendiri!!!"...I'm really hot that time. every after dinner I will asked and tried to discuss the objective for next day but always let me disappointed.
DUN JUST BE A VET ON PAPER!!..try your best for every things! although I know this is pig farm.
I out from farm early today, and try to have sleep or take rest in home,,but cnt sleep...opppsss...
and the Doctor from JPV was coming....chatted with us....is feeling guilty as so much things we still dun know. How dare they answered the doctor so confident er??!!!?? never think for objective until now!! and never have prepared the question to ask Mr.Tan., what they want asked just the "CUTI BILA and MOTOR" if not mistake form me!!! OMG!!..
Did you guys know why I asked u all back for smebahyang Jumaat first , actually I know Mr.Tan punya style, and I want try to ask him one by one..and have prepared some question to him, but have you guys feel interesting to asked what the conversation between us..just wait me to tell you all, never ask yet!! lols...so disappointed ar....please, hold every chance in learning, dun lazy...ask and discuss for what dun understand, ....dun just back home and waiting for food and boom many many thing on FB..one thing, my FB is put private, only friends can read my FB, yours?? so dun put that thing which can make effect for someone, including the farm. should let us discuss first.
and one thing, please be puncture!!! we are 21 years old. hold the time tightly okie.!!! you are the future doctor!! be responsible for your promise and your time. If I said we go farm 8am next day, and please be walk to farm together at 8am, not just out from bath room at 8am,then still wanna open FB for few minutes!!! oh no!!!!!!!!!......people tell 2pm got this activities, he will called you. But we should going to farm around 2pm and not waiting for his called!!! if we go that time, but tak ada activities tu, then never mind lah, we can do next day. If we have not go, but the activities is carry out at 2pm, what the loss from you do you know, try think!!!..you are my friend, I wrote here want you understand and learn it, I'm not perfect, but please, learn for now!!! you are the new generation for Malaysia!!!..if you dun change, I dare to say " why not just let British or Japanese to jajah our country, they are more strong and dominance from you!!..see, our government, this is why our country is improve so slow!!..work is postpone and postpone time to time, late and late, not keep promise and not responsible, and the YB or NC or YPPP all are not in puncture too!!!!...what the bad to all!!!!...PLEASE, improve!!!...not only the loss for you if you are not in puncture, for me too, I need to wait you because you are late and slow!!! Learn it please!!...did u know, when I reached the farm for castration learning, the worker was told me "adik, sorry tak ada call kamu!!" but he bring me to the place doing castration!!! can u think., If you waiting for call in home, what can become and what the loss for you!! I tell you not because I angry, im not angry, but I bikin disappointed ......
and I bough the Paradol Active fast at the shop after done the castration...
take one paradol and I sleep....and wake up cook.... and now, I'm tired...
please have good thing to show me tomorrow...
I dun want just come here like for play, and I cook for you all as scared kamu lapar and kesian you all tak ada kedai makanan melayu...but I dun wan you all just ate and said " wow, kenyang!!!" then FB...please, discuss for what we have learn and what dun understand....I can try my best to cooked for you the food, and can you also try uo best to show me you ikhlas in learning...???
remember, after training we still have 3 weeks to take rest, just rest tat time, now, please dun waste time and watse money just eat and sleep here..........
see, we are the first bath Vet from umk, do you know how is the important role from us!!!.
did you know what the view from UPM'vet students???
did you know how the high and great hope from our lecturer??
did you saw ayie punya bapa punya care for us? its really compared btw upm and umk vet...
I dun willing to become a second class vet in Malaysia!!.
Always will try my best!!!.......
its not important from others pandangan ar us.....the important is what we have in our internal...
ok, I want rest.....and have my paradol...
I'm feeling uncomfortable for whole today.
I'm still attend the farm particle as usual.
Today we went the farm around 9am.
On the way, I'm feeling tired, and when enter the farm I'm feeling very uncomfortable.
Headache, blurry in visual , tasteless for my tongue, feeling dehydration.
and...one thing to worry is what to do for today, since I asked for my one teammate to decided and think for the objective today, but he just said : "dun know", what the bikin panas answer from him, try lah discuss with me, dun just always waiting for my idea.
He was asking me " what to do for us today" when I'm feeling uncomfortable, so I just answered him : " fikir lah sendiri!!!"...I'm really hot that time. every after dinner I will asked and tried to discuss the objective for next day but always let me disappointed.
DUN JUST BE A VET ON PAPER!!..try your best for every things! although I know this is pig farm.
I out from farm early today, and try to have sleep or take rest in home,,but cnt sleep...opppsss...
and the Doctor from JPV was coming....chatted with us....is feeling guilty as so much things we still dun know. How dare they answered the doctor so confident er??!!!?? never think for objective until now!! and never have prepared the question to ask Mr.Tan., what they want asked just the "CUTI BILA and MOTOR" if not mistake form me!!! OMG!!..
Did you guys know why I asked u all back for smebahyang Jumaat first , actually I know Mr.Tan punya style, and I want try to ask him one by one..and have prepared some question to him, but have you guys feel interesting to asked what the conversation between us..just wait me to tell you all, never ask yet!! lols...so disappointed ar....please, hold every chance in learning, dun lazy...ask and discuss for what dun understand, ....dun just back home and waiting for food and boom many many thing on FB..one thing, my FB is put private, only friends can read my FB, yours?? so dun put that thing which can make effect for someone, including the farm. should let us discuss first.
and one thing, please be puncture!!! we are 21 years old. hold the time tightly okie.!!! you are the future doctor!! be responsible for your promise and your time. If I said we go farm 8am next day, and please be walk to farm together at 8am, not just out from bath room at 8am,then still wanna open FB for few minutes!!! oh no!!!!!!!!!......people tell 2pm got this activities, he will called you. But we should going to farm around 2pm and not waiting for his called!!! if we go that time, but tak ada activities tu, then never mind lah, we can do next day. If we have not go, but the activities is carry out at 2pm, what the loss from you do you know, try think!!!..you are my friend, I wrote here want you understand and learn it, I'm not perfect, but please, learn for now!!! you are the new generation for Malaysia!!!..if you dun change, I dare to say " why not just let British or Japanese to jajah our country, they are more strong and dominance from you!!..see, our government, this is why our country is improve so slow!!..work is postpone and postpone time to time, late and late, not keep promise and not responsible, and the YB or NC or YPPP all are not in puncture too!!!!...what the bad to all!!!!...PLEASE, improve!!!...not only the loss for you if you are not in puncture, for me too, I need to wait you because you are late and slow!!! Learn it please!!...did u know, when I reached the farm for castration learning, the worker was told me "adik, sorry tak ada call kamu!!" but he bring me to the place doing castration!!! can u think., If you waiting for call in home, what can become and what the loss for you!! I tell you not because I angry, im not angry, but I bikin disappointed ......
and I bough the Paradol Active fast at the shop after done the castration...
take one paradol and I sleep....and wake up cook.... and now, I'm tired...
please have good thing to show me tomorrow...
I dun want just come here like for play, and I cook for you all as scared kamu lapar and kesian you all tak ada kedai makanan melayu...but I dun wan you all just ate and said " wow, kenyang!!!" then FB...please, discuss for what we have learn and what dun understand....I can try my best to cooked for you the food, and can you also try uo best to show me you ikhlas in learning...???
remember, after training we still have 3 weeks to take rest, just rest tat time, now, please dun waste time and watse money just eat and sleep here..........
see, we are the first bath Vet from umk, do you know how is the important role from us!!!.
did you know what the view from UPM'vet students???
did you know how the high and great hope from our lecturer??
did you saw ayie punya bapa punya care for us? its really compared btw upm and umk vet...
I dun willing to become a second class vet in Malaysia!!.
Always will try my best!!!.......
its not important from others pandangan ar us.....the important is what we have in our internal...
ok, I want rest.....and have my paradol...
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
a new day now....21/07/11
wow...now is a new day...
new day, new hope, it always as my mind.
just on Facebook,
I saw one rubbish inbox from friend,
always asked me to help them vote this and there,
opps..I'm so lazy, and I....delete the msg..hehe..sorry er~
and, I just awake why my FB got so much inbox,
msg form good friends,
msg as rubbish just now,
msg which will made you emo one..
so.....as for my mind,
new day new hope,
so its not need to save all that msg...
meaningless I think...
so I just tried to delete all..
wow...empty, the feeling is good!!! really!!!
my life...full with my dream..my dream is not same to others...
Its always different in what in my mind and what my choose and dream .><..hehe
new day, new hope, it always as my mind.
just on Facebook,
I saw one rubbish inbox from friend,
always asked me to help them vote this and there,
opps..I'm so lazy, and I....delete the msg..hehe..sorry er~
and, I just awake why my FB got so much inbox,
msg form good friends,
msg as rubbish just now,
msg which will made you emo one..
so.....as for my mind,
new day new hope,
so its not need to save all that msg...
meaningless I think...
so I just tried to delete all..
wow...empty, the feeling is good!!! really!!!
my life...full with my dream..my dream is not same to others...
Its always different in what in my mind and what my choose and dream .><..hehe
Today, I'm wake up around 7am.
wow, what the amazing made me feeling happy was my teammate was wake up early and not like before he still lying on bed when I finished taken morning bath. lols.
mea today he is keep his promise in puncture..hihi
Today ,I has my second post-mortem of the weaner.
It is female, maybe age between 3 till 4monts, dark color skin.
This time of post-mortem I done with akmal,
seriously, it is tired.
next time I dun willing to do for any more.
sweating and sweating.
the death pig is worst.
accumulation of fluid around the respiration cavity, have the pleunopneumonia, lungs haemorhage, inflammation as white spot is saw, and heart problem: its enlarge in muscle and swollen, soft and fluidly.
stomach was empty and bloating as full filled with gas.
afternoon home, I'm accidentally have a small angry to my one teammate.
this is due to his words and his reply which made me to remind the another person who I'm feeling unsatidfied when he was argufy with me....as that person is always live with his own incorrect and unacceptable theory..
but for my teammate, I know he is innocent in replying it, so I'm not angry de..haha.
not point to angry in life actually...
if angry, what the hurt just for uoself and the people around.
so stay well.
wow, what the amazing made me feeling happy was my teammate was wake up early and not like before he still lying on bed when I finished taken morning bath. lols.
mea today he is keep his promise in puncture..hihi
Today ,I has my second post-mortem of the weaner.
It is female, maybe age between 3 till 4monts, dark color skin.
This time of post-mortem I done with akmal,
seriously, it is tired.
next time I dun willing to do for any more.
sweating and sweating.
the death pig is worst.
accumulation of fluid around the respiration cavity, have the pleunopneumonia, lungs haemorhage, inflammation as white spot is saw, and heart problem: its enlarge in muscle and swollen, soft and fluidly.
stomach was empty and bloating as full filled with gas.
afternoon home, I'm accidentally have a small angry to my one teammate.
this is due to his words and his reply which made me to remind the another person who I'm feeling unsatidfied when he was argufy with me....as that person is always live with his own incorrect and unacceptable theory..
but for my teammate, I know he is innocent in replying it, so I'm not angry de..haha.
not point to angry in life actually...
if angry, what the hurt just for uoself and the people around.
so stay well.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Today's objective from us is " learning the feeding system in the pig farm".
I'm wake up with having a pleasure mood.
But incidentally I was changing my mood when looking my team mate was not in puncture.
so, one advised to my team mate : I dislike people not puncture,ok. haha.
I'm not angry lah, but dislike.hehe
At first, we have reaching the farm when all the workers are starting their work.
For learning feeding system, we're started it from the feed manufacture house in the pig farm.
what we have learn from there is we know the type/band of feed which have choose by the pig farm for feeding and the process mixing the feed by machine in the processing house and the content is according on the nutrition list.
ATTENTION, the price for those machines for mixing all the feed was RM 200,000-RM300,000 in 20 years before, and now, at lease or more than RM 700,000.....(information from the boss)
we have used 1 hours more for discussing and investigating the feed mixing machines from one step to steps...it totally have 8 tons within the motor for mixing feed....the tons is function for filling the corn and soya bean which after the smallest process.(we divided into ton A for corn and ton B for soya bean,easily to understand)
And the next process is the content from ton A and ton B is transferred to another ton (ton C) and filling inside within weight measure function.
The final step is the content in ton C will be pass to the hole on the floor which the paip of ton D is horizontally to the hole, and the worker will mix the others content such as fishmeal, CP, premix in to the hole and able the machine to mixing and pass up and filling in ton D. next , it have a way to passing the complete feed to the Tons at outside which filling the feed for prestarter, grower, finisher, sow and mix respectively.
the funny thing we have in the learning process today is the record of nutritional list on the white broad in the house. we were washing 1 hour for asking and understanding what the words wrote on the broad.
Lintu, Sathu, Thotu, Ada anna, thata anna, Jacorn, Kacham, UKgamn, Allus, Khasas,?!!??????????????
we asked for the first worker, he is answered us and I still blurring....
asking and asking for understand it, but I still blurring.......
finally, have another old worker was coming...
CATCH the chance for asking....
oppsss...baru faham!!!......
Lintu is prestater, ( but blur, he said this is the feed for piglet after weaning...)
Sathu is weaner,
Thatu is finisher,
Ada anna is ada anak,
thata anna is tak ada anak...
Jacorn is Jakong,
Kacham is kacang,
Allus and kasas are wheat.???...
honestly, I'm just 50% what from his brief..haha..
but thanks a lot to the worker lah....
and I had asked for the worker what is this language...
he said is " BAHASA MALAYSIA"
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! erh~@@
haha. I think next junior who will have their training in this farm must learn for Nepal language first before coming.haha.
I'm wake up with having a pleasure mood.
But incidentally I was changing my mood when looking my team mate was not in puncture.
so, one advised to my team mate : I dislike people not puncture,ok. haha.
I'm not angry lah, but dislike.hehe
At first, we have reaching the farm when all the workers are starting their work.
For learning feeding system, we're started it from the feed manufacture house in the pig farm.
what we have learn from there is we know the type/band of feed which have choose by the pig farm for feeding and the process mixing the feed by machine in the processing house and the content is according on the nutrition list.
ATTENTION, the price for those machines for mixing all the feed was RM 200,000-RM300,000 in 20 years before, and now, at lease or more than RM 700,000.....(information from the boss)
we have used 1 hours more for discussing and investigating the feed mixing machines from one step to steps...it totally have 8 tons within the motor for mixing feed....the tons is function for filling the corn and soya bean which after the smallest process.(we divided into ton A for corn and ton B for soya bean,easily to understand)
And the next process is the content from ton A and ton B is transferred to another ton (ton C) and filling inside within weight measure function.
The final step is the content in ton C will be pass to the hole on the floor which the paip of ton D is horizontally to the hole, and the worker will mix the others content such as fishmeal, CP, premix in to the hole and able the machine to mixing and pass up and filling in ton D. next , it have a way to passing the complete feed to the Tons at outside which filling the feed for prestarter, grower, finisher, sow and mix respectively.
the funny thing we have in the learning process today is the record of nutritional list on the white broad in the house. we were washing 1 hour for asking and understanding what the words wrote on the broad.
Lintu, Sathu, Thotu, Ada anna, thata anna, Jacorn, Kacham, UKgamn, Allus, Khasas,?!!??????????????
we asked for the first worker, he is answered us and I still blurring....
asking and asking for understand it, but I still blurring.......
finally, have another old worker was coming...
CATCH the chance for asking....
oppsss...baru faham!!!......
Lintu is prestater, ( but blur, he said this is the feed for piglet after weaning...)
Sathu is weaner,
Thatu is finisher,
Ada anna is ada anak,
thata anna is tak ada anak...
Jacorn is Jakong,
Kacham is kacang,
Allus and kasas are wheat.???...
honestly, I'm just 50% what from his brief..haha..
but thanks a lot to the worker lah....
and I had asked for the worker what is this language...
he said is " BAHASA MALAYSIA"
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! erh~@@
haha. I think next junior who will have their training in this farm must learn for Nepal language first before coming.haha.
![]() |
see!!!!!!! Bahasa apa ???haha... |
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Yesterday was the first day we went to Georgetown since we have staying here already one week.
we went there by bus....
From Pantai Acheh to Balik Pulau, rm1.40.....continues from Balik Pulau to Komtar. rm3.40.haha.
we went to shopping there and bought nothing actually.
what the best was I had met up with my school teacher.Miss.Looi Ling Ling.
she is still same, still funny funny and cute.
she had brought me to have lunch at x-halal place so I need to leave my Malay friends.
haha...so paiseh ok ..>< have uo own time.
And very thanks to Miss.Looi as she had sent us back to Balik Pulau and we go home by next bus.
hope to meet u again by next week.
just wake up and I open my twitter.
have continues chat with one of my malay girl coursemate,who are unwilling to have training at the place and feeling boring and she compared with mine.
so....I also made a advise want she can realx and enjoy it, dun think more.
after have a post on twitter, then I always have made a related post on FB...the post jz want to gv her.
we went there by bus....
From Pantai Acheh to Balik Pulau, rm1.40.....continues from Balik Pulau to Komtar. rm3.40.haha.
we went to shopping there and bought nothing actually.
what the best was I had met up with my school teacher.Miss.Looi Ling Ling.
she is still same, still funny funny and cute.
she had brought me to have lunch at x-halal place so I need to leave my Malay friends.
haha...so paiseh ok ..>< have uo own time.
And very thanks to Miss.Looi as she had sent us back to Balik Pulau and we go home by next bus.
hope to meet u again by next week.
just wake up and I open my twitter.
have continues chat with one of my malay girl coursemate,who are unwilling to have training at the place and feeling boring and she compared with mine.
so....I also made a advise want she can realx and enjoy it, dun think more.
after have a post on twitter, then I always have made a related post on FB...the post jz want to gv her.
"just doing for what you should and what you have, don't always compared with the others fortunate, but actually you are the fortunate in. You can gain some benefits from here, but at the same time,you must loss some dominance about there."
this is the post by me for today.....then....wow.....I think haf someone is over sensitive and terasa, then he also post on FB something ...I felt it is direct to me maybe...bt I not sure...and I dun care yet.haha..If he really terasa, and what he wrote there is more reflected to him self I think...haha....nvr lah, If I care for it, x habis2 pun..lolszxz...then banyak masalah2 lah them...lolszs...I jz live in my own world ok, so dun kacau lah....I dun care liao lah..aiyor....why you always made life so suffer de....
u tis ppl, I wan ask u lol.....izit alone jiu cnt alive ar? los...boring jiu always need to blamed ppl nt care u or msg u ar? los...silent will die meh?los....made many many complain then can earn money ar?los....jealous ppl can solve problem ar?los....really dun understand why gt such ppl.....u r boy leh, dun made thng like tat lah, uo external and internal y so imbalance one????????????
U said is my wrong, I said u r weird..when I asked to solve our problem together,then u said rubbish and fucking thing, bt told to another, the third ppl cn solve the problem meh? siao de!!! los...made thing susah, then talk to other is my problem ..loss...I jz try to keep it dun wan to spoil uo mask...los...
U said is my wrong, I said u r weird..when I asked to solve our problem together,then u said rubbish and fucking thing, bt told to another, the third ppl cn solve the problem meh? siao de!!! los...made thing susah, then talk to other is my problem ..loss...I jz try to keep it dun wan to spoil uo mask...los...
I gv u all thing and stay away liao u still x satisfied er???los....
I'm not u plse bro....be mature lah~tired leh~
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
3rd day
3rd day of training in pig farm.
so far, I felt more energy and interesting in learning all about the pig in medicine field and business field.
the objective by us today is : learn how to have clinical examination on pig.
First, we have tried to investigated all the healthy status of piglets around the sows.
major of them are healthy.
and the examination we have done successively was : taken the body temperature, skin temperature, pulse , respiration rate, observed on skin status, neck, head, chest , abdominal, eyes conjunctive and etc.
and we have observed all of the examination on different healthy and unhealthy piglets.
and the same things we have done for unhealthy weaner.
and the same things for sows too. but for the sows, we have tried to take the udder temperature and the udder status, and skin status around udder. we found that some of the sows are face the skin problem, itching and injury. etc.
lastly, for the boar, we taken the body temperature, skin temperature , testicular examination and testicular temperature.
after done that examination, we have a mini discussion in the lab. compared the result from our investigation and theory results.
I have learn new things today ^^.
Back from farm, we clean our home and take rest, washing clothes.
afiq : "chia, malam kita makan apa?"
Chia: " hemn~" ( haha, adalah budak, jgn bimbang okie, stay dgn sy mesti dpt makana punya...masak sedapp ^^)....><.......
my mom was calling me when I having my work in farm.
she sent me a msg: " call me when free"
haha...she is worry about me...haha.
because I'm tired and lazy to call her .
then...finally I called....haha..selamat dah!!! > <
so far, I felt more energy and interesting in learning all about the pig in medicine field and business field.
the objective by us today is : learn how to have clinical examination on pig.
First, we have tried to investigated all the healthy status of piglets around the sows.
major of them are healthy.
and the examination we have done successively was : taken the body temperature, skin temperature, pulse , respiration rate, observed on skin status, neck, head, chest , abdominal, eyes conjunctive and etc.
and we have observed all of the examination on different healthy and unhealthy piglets.
and the same things we have done for unhealthy weaner.
and the same things for sows too. but for the sows, we have tried to take the udder temperature and the udder status, and skin status around udder. we found that some of the sows are face the skin problem, itching and injury. etc.
lastly, for the boar, we taken the body temperature, skin temperature , testicular examination and testicular temperature.
after done that examination, we have a mini discussion in the lab. compared the result from our investigation and theory results.
I have learn new things today ^^.
Back from farm, we clean our home and take rest, washing clothes.
afiq : "chia, malam kita makan apa?"
Chia: " hemn~" ( haha, adalah budak, jgn bimbang okie, stay dgn sy mesti dpt makana punya...masak sedapp ^^)....><.......
my mom was calling me when I having my work in farm.
she sent me a msg: " call me when free"
haha...she is worry about me...haha.
because I'm tired and lazy to call her .
then...finally I called....haha..selamat dah!!! > <
2nd day at Pantai Acheh Training and went to sungai Pantai Acheh.
Today is the second day we have our training at Pantai Acheh, Fortress Homes Snd.Bhd pig farm.
Although the pig farm and the method we have our training by this time is great different if compared with last training, but I have tried my best to hold all the chance in learning.
we have not any veterinarian can teach us in medicine field, but what we can do is more believe to the workers in the pig farm and Mr.Tan and Mr. Ng ,who had contain rich knowledge about pig farm management.
never mind, everything just try our best and thinking positive..
this is the way to made us more independent and confident.
we know what to do everyday,
we know how to made our objective/target for everyday,
we learn how to have communication with foreign and people rich in experience eg: Mr.Tan.
we know how is the fact of life and business from Mr.Tan.
we know how to survive independent,
we know how to life together and take care for friends without race and culture compared.
we know how to divided work.
we know how to accept the fact and made it in right way and do everything well.
actually I think this is a good farm for us to learn.
we are freedom walk around the farm and we are freedom to learn everything in farm within every people.
although most of them have not theory as us but what they have is their experience.
some time I will difficult to their brief but I just accept it and learn more by self after this.
what I have learn in this two days are: ( a lot)
01.sperm collection
02. semen extending
03.Artificial insemination
04. detect on-heat oestrus sow.
05. made distilled water.
06. cut newborn piglet teeth....declicking
07. observed of abortion.
08. looked the live show, parturation.
09. injection of betamox, antibotics,oxytocin
10. sending of finisher to lorry.
11. observed on pig' skin condition.
One word!!!!!!!!!! must more SEMANGAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lucky to have training with good friends, akmal and afiq.....><
if not, huh~sure boring always if same training with ppl I dislike or ppl dislike me.lolzx.
Sungai Pantai acheh~~~ lolzxz...c akmal punya FB gambar jer lah.....hahhaaa....ok jugak lah...^^
Although the pig farm and the method we have our training by this time is great different if compared with last training, but I have tried my best to hold all the chance in learning.
we have not any veterinarian can teach us in medicine field, but what we can do is more believe to the workers in the pig farm and Mr.Tan and Mr. Ng ,who had contain rich knowledge about pig farm management.
never mind, everything just try our best and thinking positive..
this is the way to made us more independent and confident.
we know what to do everyday,
we know how to made our objective/target for everyday,
we learn how to have communication with foreign and people rich in experience eg: Mr.Tan.
we know how is the fact of life and business from Mr.Tan.
we know how to survive independent,
we know how to life together and take care for friends without race and culture compared.
we know how to divided work.
we know how to accept the fact and made it in right way and do everything well.
actually I think this is a good farm for us to learn.
we are freedom walk around the farm and we are freedom to learn everything in farm within every people.
although most of them have not theory as us but what they have is their experience.
some time I will difficult to their brief but I just accept it and learn more by self after this.
what I have learn in this two days are: ( a lot)
01.sperm collection
02. semen extending
03.Artificial insemination
04. detect on-heat oestrus sow.
05. made distilled water.
06. cut newborn piglet teeth....declicking
07. observed of abortion.
08. looked the live show, parturation.
09. injection of betamox, antibotics,oxytocin
10. sending of finisher to lorry.
11. observed on pig' skin condition.
One word!!!!!!!!!! must more SEMANGAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lucky to have training with good friends, akmal and afiq.....><
if not, huh~sure boring always if same training with ppl I dislike or ppl dislike me.lolzx.
Sungai Pantai acheh~~~ lolzxz...c akmal punya FB gambar jer lah.....hahhaaa....ok jugak lah...^^
Monday, July 11, 2011
Pig farm
Pig farm.
i"m here.
Pulau Pinang, Pantai Acheh...
This is the place where I having my first training at pig farm.
I love all the challenges now..
and I love this way of life~
i"m here.
Pulau Pinang, Pantai Acheh...
This is the place where I having my first training at pig farm.
I love all the challenges now..
and I love this way of life~
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Drive to Mersing~
I had drive to Mersing today.
First, I went visited my anty who already long time no see de..haha..still healty.
Second, we bought Chibi Marukon Chan to visited doctor because she is sick.
Third, I went for brought some things I want...Fish!!!!!!! haha
then, we went to had lunch at Chicken Delight Mersing....
just show some pictures...haaha.
First, I went visited my anty who already long time no see de..haha..still healty.
Second, we bought Chibi Marukon Chan to visited doctor because she is sick.
Third, I went for brought some things I want...Fish!!!!!!! haha
then, we went to had lunch at Chicken Delight Mersing....
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我的小小鱼缸! |
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Saturday, July 2, 2011
hahaha...sure have fun.
Haha...sure have fun when this time home.
I have 2 pets, dogs,..are called feifei and bibi...
I dun know what to made my mind so suddenly has decided to feed fish~...goldfish maybe I want...
and then put it in my room (home)....
but the problem...when I'm umk, who help me to feed them??
Hemn...the answer was give out so directly...thank you mom and sister!!!.
and...I plan to buy a Neitherland dwarf...
I'm fall in love with her when I first saw her during Vet day umk....
wow~hope to become a mini zoo in my room....
but,unwelcome cats!!!!!!!!! behind my home is a lot cats de......huh~ XD
I have 2 pets, dogs,..are called feifei and bibi...
I dun know what to made my mind so suddenly has decided to feed fish~...goldfish maybe I want...
and then put it in my room (home)....
but the problem...when I'm umk, who help me to feed them??
Hemn...the answer was give out so directly...thank you mom and sister!!!.
and...I plan to buy a Neitherland dwarf...
I'm fall in love with her when I first saw her during Vet day umk....
wow~hope to become a mini zoo in my room....
but,unwelcome cats!!!!!!!!! behind my home is a lot cats de......huh~ XD
Friday, July 1, 2011
wake a early up~
I'm wake up very early today,
around 6.00am...
I'm sure my roomate will ask me for the reason why..
usually I just wake up around 9am when holidays.
maybe they will think I wake up early just for study because tomorrow have exam.
but, the real answer is : No...this is due to....effect of coffee...
I had drink a cup of coffee last night...
do you believe, I'm insomnia....
I never sleep last night,
my brain still fresh...
but I force myself to sleep,
and was lying on my bed within fresh brain...
Oh my goodness...I cnt sleep....
but I'm tired....
so....waiting and waiting.....6am...
is time to wake up and is time to allow open lamp I think...
hope gonna sleep later....maybe 9am....huh~
Thanks coffee for you effect k.....lolzxz.....
felling headache de...habis!!!!!!!!!!
around 6.00am...
I'm sure my roomate will ask me for the reason why..
usually I just wake up around 9am when holidays.
maybe they will think I wake up early just for study because tomorrow have exam.
but, the real answer is : No...this is due to....effect of coffee...
I had drink a cup of coffee last night...
do you believe, I'm insomnia....
I never sleep last night,
my brain still fresh...
but I force myself to sleep,
and was lying on my bed within fresh brain...
Oh my goodness...I cnt sleep....
but I'm tired....
so....waiting and waiting.....6am...
is time to wake up and is time to allow open lamp I think...
hope gonna sleep later....maybe 9am....huh~
Thanks coffee for you effect k.....lolzxz.....
felling headache de...habis!!!!!!!!!!
Remain 2 days.
Huh~falsafah ilmu and kenegaraan Malaysia just remain 2 days to prepare..
I'm scared this is because I haven start for this two subjects before, just very start by today...
then, what I can do is.....just talk to myself...
you can do it, you can finish it, you must do it!!!.
okie, I dun scared for that tension, I just try my best,okie my GOD!!.
please bless me in good luck, please bring me a good luck, and please looked at me!!!
and, Oh my GOD ar GOD...
I hope you can always looked at your this children.
He is live in this world,
sometime, he is a very strong children...
sometime, he is a very weak children....
sometime, he is a very important people..
sometime, he is a nothing in this world...
and now, he is in a very complicated mood,
and now, he is feeling suffer to face all...
and now, he is feeling alone.....
God, your this children is need a man who can always stay with him.
God, your this children is need a man who can always believe him.
God, your this children is need a man who can always listen to him.
God, he is need a man who looked at him.
he is willing to stay alone,
he is willing to work alone,
he is willing to sleep alone,
he is willing to silent,
but, he is need a man who only for him.
God, I felt sorry to myself,
I know I need to do something for today,
but I'm loss my attitude.
and I'm loss myself.
God, please forgive and forgave me.
your this children, just wish to have a simple life,
just wish to have simple work,
just wish to have simple friends,
just wish to have simple beloved.
what the saddest is...God,why you created him different from others....
p/s: man=human
I'm scared this is because I haven start for this two subjects before, just very start by today...
then, what I can do is.....just talk to myself...
you can do it, you can finish it, you must do it!!!.
okie, I dun scared for that tension, I just try my best,okie my GOD!!.
please bless me in good luck, please bring me a good luck, and please looked at me!!!
and, Oh my GOD ar GOD...
I hope you can always looked at your this children.
He is live in this world,
sometime, he is a very strong children...
sometime, he is a very weak children....
sometime, he is a very important people..
sometime, he is a nothing in this world...
and now, he is in a very complicated mood,
and now, he is feeling suffer to face all...
and now, he is feeling alone.....
God, your this children is need a man who can always stay with him.
God, your this children is need a man who can always believe him.
God, your this children is need a man who can always listen to him.
God, he is need a man who looked at him.
he is willing to stay alone,
he is willing to work alone,
he is willing to sleep alone,
he is willing to silent,
but, he is need a man who only for him.
God, I felt sorry to myself,
I know I need to do something for today,
but I'm loss my attitude.
and I'm loss myself.
God, please forgive and forgave me.
your this children, just wish to have a simple life,
just wish to have simple work,
just wish to have simple friends,
just wish to have simple beloved.
what the saddest is...God,why you created him different from others....
p/s: man=human
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