IM SICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what life means to us is determined not so much by what life brings to us as by the attitude we bring to life; not so much by what happens to us as by our reaction to what happens~
Friday, October 21, 2011
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Today, I need to start study my anesthesiology!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....
Damn, my anesthesiology knowledge is like a shit!
How to be a good vet soon!!!!!! haha
never mind, never give up!
Try to read and memories it !!!!!!!
Damn, my anesthesiology knowledge is like a shit!
How to be a good vet soon!!!!!! haha
never mind, never give up!
Try to read and memories it !!!!!!!
What stupid I done today are:
01. I had finished my surgery test1.
02. I'm feeling a bit of disappointed today.
03. I had ate rubbish food in the lab and continuous to made cell culture and staining.
04. I'm slept in surgery class on afternoon as I dun know what he was talking about.
05. I planned to play badminton at Dewan badminton with my friends but finally we were jogging at IPKB.
06. I danced aerobic with my friends in front of Masjid.
07. I learn back how to drive a manure car, but totally I dislike manure as I'm lazy species.
08. I ate a lot of keropo that made me throat pain now.
09. Dean was chatting with me, when he asked me any question to him today, and I asked: " Did you know why most of your students are nervous to see you?"....He said why? and I answered him: " 01.U r tall, 02. U r big 03.U r dark 04.U r botak 05. U have hair on skin....totally looked like a black bear who want to eat ppl!"....hahahaha...how dare I'm, but he was laughing that time..and he asked, why you dun nervous to me...and I answered: BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT A GIRL!..wkakakaka. laughing and funny for old man ( I called him old man, cute)
10. I felt sleepy now but OMG! jz 11pm now, night still young!....
11. Is waiting for the rm13,000 talk, if you are talk rubbish, believe me , I will throw you shoe!!!! ><
02. I'm feeling a bit of disappointed today.
03. I had ate rubbish food in the lab and continuous to made cell culture and staining.
04. I'm slept in surgery class on afternoon as I dun know what he was talking about.
05. I planned to play badminton at Dewan badminton with my friends but finally we were jogging at IPKB.
06. I danced aerobic with my friends in front of Masjid.
07. I learn back how to drive a manure car, but totally I dislike manure as I'm lazy species.
08. I ate a lot of keropo that made me throat pain now.
09. Dean was chatting with me, when he asked me any question to him today, and I asked: " Did you know why most of your students are nervous to see you?"....He said why? and I answered him: " 01.U r tall, 02. U r big 03.U r dark 04.U r botak 05. U have hair on skin....totally looked like a black bear who want to eat ppl!"....hahahaha...how dare I'm, but he was laughing that time..and he asked, why you dun nervous to me...and I answered: BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT A GIRL!..wkakakaka. laughing and funny for old man ( I called him old man, cute)
10. I felt sleepy now but OMG! jz 11pm now, night still young!....
11. Is waiting for the rm13,000 talk, if you are talk rubbish, believe me , I will throw you shoe!!!! ><
Saturday, October 8, 2011
New room-mate
I just bougt a new room-mate.
Haha, its a turtle!!!! cham cham cham!!!.
I just bought one. Plus me become a couple.
I dun know it is he or she.
But I made a name for it , is called : " KIMSINGING!.
Nice name right!!! haha. I like it.
Just discover its right front leg is injury,
have the old scar looked like fibrous ligament.
Maybe its always immerse in water so the scar never dry.
Never mind, I will take care it well.
Be my baby well! hehe
Haha, its a turtle!!!! cham cham cham!!!.
I just bought one. Plus me become a couple.
I dun know it is he or she.
But I made a name for it , is called : " KIMSINGING!.
Nice name right!!! haha. I like it.
Just discover its right front leg is injury,
have the old scar looked like fibrous ligament.
Maybe its always immerse in water so the scar never dry.
Never mind, I will take care it well.
Be my baby well! hehe
Monday, August 29, 2011
俗话说: 雨过天晴呀!先苦后甜呀!
但上了大学后,若说要讨论答案,我的脑海只会浮现 “如果能在学期总考时讨论那不就好吗!”
1, 回到房间倒头大睡,当然,很多时候都会因为考试的结束而兴奋得忘了过去的疲惫。
2. 我会清洗一番,然后到处走走,看看风景,哪怕是那已经熟悉到闭上眼睛都能画出来的景色,只怕双脚不能走动。
带着刚从睡梦中醒来的思绪,迷迷糊糊的眼神,还没开动的器官,就这样摇摇晃晃地走出房门,看看妈妈那刚清洗后的脸,再打开电视, 就这样坐在客厅和她一起看看报纸。
早晨,如果有爸爸在,我喜欢一起出去吃,但如果他没在,我喜欢在家享受为自己做早餐的过程。填饱了,开动电脑是一定的。 打开了,再看看昨天在面子书上留下的话有什么留言吗,看后,有时是高兴有时是失落。
坐着的,躺着的 ,
俗话说: 雨过天晴呀!先苦后甜呀!
但上了大学后,若说要讨论答案,我的脑海只会浮现 “如果能在学期总考时讨论那不就好吗!”
1, 回到房间倒头大睡,当然,很多时候都会因为考试的结束而兴奋得忘了过去的疲惫。
2. 我会清洗一番,然后到处走走,看看风景,哪怕是那已经熟悉到闭上眼睛都能画出来的景色,只怕双脚不能走动。
带着刚从睡梦中醒来的思绪,迷迷糊糊的眼神,还没开动的器官,就这样摇摇晃晃地走出房门,看看妈妈那刚清洗后的脸,再打开电视, 就这样坐在客厅和她一起看看报纸。
早晨,如果有爸爸在,我喜欢一起出去吃,但如果他没在,我喜欢在家享受为自己做早餐的过程。填饱了,开动电脑是一定的。 打开了,再看看昨天在面子书上留下的话有什么留言吗,看后,有时是高兴有时是失落。
坐着的,躺着的 ,
Saturday, August 27, 2011
draw fishes..
tonight I'm bored, so I burn my mind and made my hand busy in drawing.
but, finished in one hour, now bored again.
this is my stupid drawing.
actually it is not coloring, but I color it with laptop. haha.
is difficult to draw gold fish...><
but, finished in one hour, now bored again.
this is my stupid drawing.
actually it is not coloring, but I color it with laptop. haha.
is difficult to draw gold fish...><
Friday, August 26, 2011
晚饭后,妈妈却问我 : “ 你说真的,你谈过几次恋爱? 七八次有吗?”
我说 : “ 我从来没有谈过恋爱”
妈 : “ 那你为什么酱有经验似的为朋友解除爱情的烦恼呢!”
我说 : “ 不知道”
晚饭后,妈妈却问我 : “ 你说真的,你谈过几次恋爱? 七八次有吗?”
我说 : “ 我从来没有谈过恋爱”
妈 : “ 那你为什么酱有经验似的为朋友解除爱情的烦恼呢!”
我说 : “ 不知道”
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
(+) ( -) (x) (÷)
put (+) to love everything,
put (-) to hate everything,
put (x) in gratitude for everything,
put (÷) in anxious for everything,
it will (=) to make life simple and simple of life, happiness in life. ^^ .
put (-) to hate everything,
put (x) in gratitude for everything,
put (÷) in anxious for everything,
it will (=) to make life simple and simple of life, happiness in life. ^^ .
Sunday, August 14, 2011
stupid government
I'm really piss off with our government staffs who are sensitive, discourtesy ,unsavory and always make one disappointed to a fault due to they are paid a lots lip-service and lost promise to citizen instead blame to citizen. Of course citizen are went ballistic! Your name-calling must stop!
Saturday, August 13, 2011
现在,能呆在家里的时间只剩下两星期,到现在的我,还没有开始读书,做功课,因为我已经对自己说好了,完成了我第二次的实习后,我会空出一个星期的时间,让自己在家变成一个"废人". 所以呢,当我在面子书上看见同学们都在担心着报告,功课,演讲之类的东东,我都不紧张,而另一发面是,我想我已经有题目,足够的资料来完成报告的,..怪就只能怪他们自己不认真做事情咯 (在实习的时候,只想要轻轻松松的,天天都是我在想每天的目标,他们切还整天等着吃,而且是我在当厨师).算了啦,过去的事就让它过去吧~
第二次实习是在槟城一个华人新村里的一个猪场. 那猪场拥有十四千五百多头猪.那是槟城最大的猪场了,那些猪都是用来食吃的.我国各洲的猪肉商都会来那猪场买些猪,如霹雳州,吉隆波 等地带的猪肉商. 在那猪场里,我了解了开发猪业的辛苦,开发猪业的风险,猪业在我国的购买的市场,猪业在我国政府的地位.由于我国是个回教国,开发猪业一直以来都会面对一些问题,所以从中,我了解了猪业者的心声埋怨,他们的辛苦,他们的不满,他们的失落,他们的愤怒,当时的我也默默地聆听着想象着发现着,我国政府的野蛮,无理,懒散,偏心,野心,和失败. 但,同时的我,在观察下,也慢慢的看见政府的想法,他们的用心,他们的努力...当然非常感谢在政府部门工作的华裔官长的用心啦, 不隐瞒的说,我国猪业会有纠纷的问题因为猪业者的私心,政府的歧视. (大马巫族占了70%).慢慢地慢慢的,我真的了解和明白我为何选了在我国不被看好,不被尊敬,不被重用且冷门的兽医师了,而且是个牧场兽医. 谈到着,我又想起了曾经聊过的话题,"为何大马不重视我们这些辛辛苦苦埋头苦读五年而成的兽医呢?".."为何在我国兽医的等级却被摆放在农业部内呢?医生警察教师工程师都有各自的等级和代号,而我们却是放在农业呢?"...
答案: 怪的只能怪兽医们了,没有好好的为人民贡献兽医的责任,没有好好的成为一名可用的兽医,没有好好的在政府中发挥兽医的角色 (你可得知道,槟州猪业部长不是个兽医,没有兽医接手),还有更可恶的是,有些兽医自己会认为兽医嘛,都不是什么重要的东东!! ...
对于那些当了大官的兽医也就如此罢了,对于等级我们为何还在农业中,我想那些大官的答案会是 " 我的钱已经赚很多了,那些对我不重要了"....
在实习中,我也学会了很多在课业上在大学里根本没能力为我们提供的技术, 我会了如何观察病猪,如何难产接生,如何腌小公猪,药类,食物,废物/水排放等等的...还有好多好多...
现在,能呆在家里的时间只剩下两星期,到现在的我,还没有开始读书,做功课,因为我已经对自己说好了,完成了我第二次的实习后,我会空出一个星期的时间,让自己在家变成一个"废人". 所以呢,当我在面子书上看见同学们都在担心着报告,功课,演讲之类的东东,我都不紧张,而另一发面是,我想我已经有题目,足够的资料来完成报告的,..怪就只能怪他们自己不认真做事情咯 (在实习的时候,只想要轻轻松松的,天天都是我在想每天的目标,他们切还整天等着吃,而且是我在当厨师).算了啦,过去的事就让它过去吧~
第二次实习是在槟城一个华人新村里的一个猪场. 那猪场拥有十四千五百多头猪.那是槟城最大的猪场了,那些猪都是用来食吃的.我国各洲的猪肉商都会来那猪场买些猪,如霹雳州,吉隆波 等地带的猪肉商. 在那猪场里,我了解了开发猪业的辛苦,开发猪业的风险,猪业在我国的购买的市场,猪业在我国政府的地位.由于我国是个回教国,开发猪业一直以来都会面对一些问题,所以从中,我了解了猪业者的心声埋怨,他们的辛苦,他们的不满,他们的失落,他们的愤怒,当时的我也默默地聆听着想象着发现着,我国政府的野蛮,无理,懒散,偏心,野心,和失败. 但,同时的我,在观察下,也慢慢的看见政府的想法,他们的用心,他们的努力...当然非常感谢在政府部门工作的华裔官长的用心啦, 不隐瞒的说,我国猪业会有纠纷的问题因为猪业者的私心,政府的歧视. (大马巫族占了70%).慢慢地慢慢的,我真的了解和明白我为何选了在我国不被看好,不被尊敬,不被重用且冷门的兽医师了,而且是个牧场兽医. 谈到着,我又想起了曾经聊过的话题,"为何大马不重视我们这些辛辛苦苦埋头苦读五年而成的兽医呢?".."为何在我国兽医的等级却被摆放在农业部内呢?医生警察教师工程师都有各自的等级和代号,而我们却是放在农业呢?"...
答案: 怪的只能怪兽医们了,没有好好的为人民贡献兽医的责任,没有好好的成为一名可用的兽医,没有好好的在政府中发挥兽医的角色 (你可得知道,槟州猪业部长不是个兽医,没有兽医接手),还有更可恶的是,有些兽医自己会认为兽医嘛,都不是什么重要的东东!! ...
对于那些当了大官的兽医也就如此罢了,对于等级我们为何还在农业中,我想那些大官的答案会是 " 我的钱已经赚很多了,那些对我不重要了"....
在实习中,我也学会了很多在课业上在大学里根本没能力为我们提供的技术, 我会了如何观察病猪,如何难产接生,如何腌小公猪,药类,食物,废物/水排放等等的...还有好多好多...
Thursday, August 4, 2011
今天见识到了在大学的成就和踏进社会被大马政府判的商业价值的真 实和差别。在大马政府里,只要把自己晒黑一些,个人的商业价值就 会被提高。妈妈说,为自己制的被虽小但却最温暖,不幸的是那些可 怜的孩子,不但不珍惜拉拉为他们制了的大被,一面却不停妒嫉我们 的小被,或许他们也觉得中看不中用吧!妈妈说,记得初一十五拜拜 就好,拜太多家里的大伯公看了会发现你的野心。相信自己,我们华 裔子弟无论到那都能生存,都是优胜者!
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Supernatural power!!!!
S U P E R N A T U R A L from my Teacher.
I just coming back from visited to one of my secondary school teacher,
she was my secondary mandarin teacher and she is my friend now.
I knew her since I'm form 3 if not mistake,
and we had our dinner together always when I was starting form 4.
BUT, just now I know she have the SUPERNATURAL POWER,
she can distinguish and determine people just from looked their face, either real people or just in photo.
wow...very amazing and very accurate!!!!!...
90% accurate!! very!!! wow...
and now, I know that people well now.
I just coming back from visited to one of my secondary school teacher,
she was my secondary mandarin teacher and she is my friend now.
I knew her since I'm form 3 if not mistake,
and we had our dinner together always when I was starting form 4.
BUT, just now I know she have the SUPERNATURAL POWER,
she can distinguish and determine people just from looked their face, either real people or just in photo.
wow...very amazing and very accurate!!!!!...
90% accurate!! very!!! wow...
and now, I know that people well now.
Monday, July 25, 2011
So suddenly I'm feeling happy and lucky.
I have nice place for training there although the supervisor for farm is a Gangster..><
I have a group of best team mates who very bekerjasama for everything in tis training except think for next objective, haha. bt just now I very thanks for their team work and made all works become easily and run smoothly, and now they also have try their best in think for objective. I like I like ^^...
I have a very good teacher who had bought me walked around p.penang and a lots fun.
I have a group of best matrix' friends who are always miss me and I always miss them. ><. (jz always shared problem and solve with given idea).
I have a group of Uni' course mates, although sometime we are nt in chatting or sharing, but I love all of them always, whatever chinese girl friend, malay girl friends or malay boy friends,...all I love so much. this is because all of them have their own special and characteristic which let me learn in life and grown up. little miss them de.>< ....
and I'm random....my heart is feeling so light and happy. ^^..
and one more thing, I miss my mom and dad oo...my pets also...my fishes...death one fish liao. huhu.
I have nice place for training there although the supervisor for farm is a Gangster..><
I have a group of best team mates who very bekerjasama for everything in tis training except think for next objective, haha. bt just now I very thanks for their team work and made all works become easily and run smoothly, and now they also have try their best in think for objective. I like I like ^^...
I have a very good teacher who had bought me walked around p.penang and a lots fun.
I have a group of best matrix' friends who are always miss me and I always miss them. ><. (jz always shared problem and solve with given idea).
I have a group of Uni' course mates, although sometime we are nt in chatting or sharing, but I love all of them always, whatever chinese girl friend, malay girl friends or malay boy friends,...all I love so much. this is because all of them have their own special and characteristic which let me learn in life and grown up. little miss them de.>< ....
and I'm random....my heart is feeling so light and happy. ^^..
and one more thing, I miss my mom and dad oo...my pets also...my fishes...death one fish liao. huhu.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
I'm back to Pantai Acheh..
this two days I had met up with my secondary school teacher and stayed in her home.
I really really happy for this two days.
I hope my every day will be like that,
I appreciated
She treated me a lot of delicious food in P.Penang.
She bough me to visited a lot nice places in P.Penang.
I was happy!!!! ><.....
reached home, I open FB, ohpss...FB memang buat hal lah..hahha
this time, I seems like really have misunderstand the people.
so, I think it was my false, so I called him and apologized to him.
and one thing we both are agreed to remove friend on FB,
from my brief to him I think he can understand,
the aim for remove friend just for prevent have misunderstand between us via the FB post for next 3 years.
since I'm emo,
He also...
then have a lot things happen just due on FB, never explain, so I think remove is good for us.
and got his permission de.
so we just thinking positive lo.
night, I had received a msg from a new phone numbor,
but I think is another friend.
I called try to know who and why said so,..
but cnt call and off...><....tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...........
I dun wan to write reply msg as I dun wan have any misunderstand from languages btw us again, so I call..bt..............tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.........."the number U have called is unavailable,please try ltr"
so I reply as msg so, my answer is simple : " ok, no problem."
jz live simple...^^
good bye, need going to sleep de. tomorrow have got a lot of fun work are waiting for me ^^
this two days I had met up with my secondary school teacher and stayed in her home.
I really really happy for this two days.
I hope my every day will be like that,
I appreciated
She treated me a lot of delicious food in P.Penang.
She bough me to visited a lot nice places in P.Penang.
I was happy!!!! ><.....
reached home, I open FB, ohpss...FB memang buat hal lah..hahha
this time, I seems like really have misunderstand the people.
so, I think it was my false, so I called him and apologized to him.
and one thing we both are agreed to remove friend on FB,
from my brief to him I think he can understand,
the aim for remove friend just for prevent have misunderstand between us via the FB post for next 3 years.
since I'm emo,
He also...
then have a lot things happen just due on FB, never explain, so I think remove is good for us.
and got his permission de.
so we just thinking positive lo.
night, I had received a msg from a new phone numbor,
but I think is another friend.
I called try to know who and why said so,..
but cnt call and off...><....tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...........
I dun wan to write reply msg as I dun wan have any misunderstand from languages btw us again, so I call..bt..............tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.........."the number U have called is unavailable,please try ltr"
so I reply as msg so, my answer is simple : " ok, no problem."
jz live simple...^^
good bye, need going to sleep de. tomorrow have got a lot of fun work are waiting for me ^^
Friday, July 22, 2011
yup, I'm wake up from a morning message from one of my friend.
the friend we always called between " BFF"= best friend forever. haha
she is asked me how about for recent life, and same from me to her.
but, she still working today?? weird ...!!.
seems both of my teammate have not any plan for this weekend ,
and another group of my course mates who having their training at P.penang will coming our place just for meet up.
so, they maybe have their activities.
and I'm plan to meet up with my teacher and will be stay at her small small and old old home for one night.
I want to have fun with my this teacher since we haven meet up after secondary school but we always had our dinner together along secondary school.
I want to share with her my life in this two year and all about her. haha
she is cute and good. ><
some time I think I'm like her for our characteristics..
she also the style so dare to said out her opinion and feeling,
what the correct and what the wrong,
what she accept for and what she reject...
I think I almost like that,
she said so....
so, in the secondary school, she was bully by another group of teacher who are strong in talking some back,
and my this teacher is so directly for thing,
so she kene bully and hates by them...OMG~..
very kesian her rite?
but she is good de....^^
I want go kacau her!!!!! wkakkaakaka....I always said her like this " you are old woman who dun wan you, fast fast go fing a bf lah, dun jz work!!" hahhaa.
the friend we always called between " BFF"= best friend forever. haha
she is asked me how about for recent life, and same from me to her.
but, she still working today?? weird ...!!.
seems both of my teammate have not any plan for this weekend ,
and another group of my course mates who having their training at P.penang will coming our place just for meet up.
so, they maybe have their activities.
and I'm plan to meet up with my teacher and will be stay at her small small and old old home for one night.
I want to have fun with my this teacher since we haven meet up after secondary school but we always had our dinner together along secondary school.
I want to share with her my life in this two year and all about her. haha
she is cute and good. ><
some time I think I'm like her for our characteristics..
she also the style so dare to said out her opinion and feeling,
what the correct and what the wrong,
what she accept for and what she reject...
I think I almost like that,
she said so....
so, in the secondary school, she was bully by another group of teacher who are strong in talking some back,
and my this teacher is so directly for thing,
so she kene bully and hates by them...OMG~..
very kesian her rite?
but she is good de....^^
I want go kacau her!!!!! wkakkaakaka....I always said her like this " you are old woman who dun wan you, fast fast go fing a bf lah, dun jz work!!" hahhaa.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Oh no!!!!!! I'm feeling sick today.
I'm feeling uncomfortable for whole today.
I'm still attend the farm particle as usual.
Today we went the farm around 9am.
On the way, I'm feeling tired, and when enter the farm I'm feeling very uncomfortable.
Headache, blurry in visual , tasteless for my tongue, feeling dehydration.
and...one thing to worry is what to do for today, since I asked for my one teammate to decided and think for the objective today, but he just said : "dun know", what the bikin panas answer from him, try lah discuss with me, dun just always waiting for my idea.
He was asking me " what to do for us today" when I'm feeling uncomfortable, so I just answered him : " fikir lah sendiri!!!"...I'm really hot that time. every after dinner I will asked and tried to discuss the objective for next day but always let me disappointed.
DUN JUST BE A VET ON PAPER!!..try your best for every things! although I know this is pig farm.
I out from farm early today, and try to have sleep or take rest in home,,but cnt sleep...opppsss...
and the Doctor from JPV was coming....chatted with us....is feeling guilty as so much things we still dun know. How dare they answered the doctor so confident er??!!!?? never think for objective until now!! and never have prepared the question to ask Mr.Tan., what they want asked just the "CUTI BILA and MOTOR" if not mistake form me!!! OMG!!..
Did you guys know why I asked u all back for smebahyang Jumaat first , actually I know Mr.Tan punya style, and I want try to ask him one by one..and have prepared some question to him, but have you guys feel interesting to asked what the conversation between us..just wait me to tell you all, never ask yet!! lols...so disappointed ar....please, hold every chance in learning, dun lazy...ask and discuss for what dun understand, ....dun just back home and waiting for food and boom many many thing on FB..one thing, my FB is put private, only friends can read my FB, yours?? so dun put that thing which can make effect for someone, including the farm. should let us discuss first.
and one thing, please be puncture!!! we are 21 years old. hold the time tightly okie.!!! you are the future doctor!! be responsible for your promise and your time. If I said we go farm 8am next day, and please be walk to farm together at 8am, not just out from bath room at 8am,then still wanna open FB for few minutes!!! oh no!!!!!!!!!......people tell 2pm got this activities, he will called you. But we should going to farm around 2pm and not waiting for his called!!! if we go that time, but tak ada activities tu, then never mind lah, we can do next day. If we have not go, but the activities is carry out at 2pm, what the loss from you do you know, try think!!!..you are my friend, I wrote here want you understand and learn it, I'm not perfect, but please, learn for now!!! you are the new generation for Malaysia!!!..if you dun change, I dare to say " why not just let British or Japanese to jajah our country, they are more strong and dominance from you!!..see, our government, this is why our country is improve so slow!!..work is postpone and postpone time to time, late and late, not keep promise and not responsible, and the YB or NC or YPPP all are not in puncture too!!!!...what the bad to all!!!!...PLEASE, improve!!!...not only the loss for you if you are not in puncture, for me too, I need to wait you because you are late and slow!!! Learn it please!!...did u know, when I reached the farm for castration learning, the worker was told me "adik, sorry tak ada call kamu!!" but he bring me to the place doing castration!!! can u think., If you waiting for call in home, what can become and what the loss for you!! I tell you not because I angry, im not angry, but I bikin disappointed ......
and I bough the Paradol Active fast at the shop after done the castration...
take one paradol and I sleep....and wake up cook.... and now, I'm tired...
please have good thing to show me tomorrow...
I dun want just come here like for play, and I cook for you all as scared kamu lapar and kesian you all tak ada kedai makanan melayu...but I dun wan you all just ate and said " wow, kenyang!!!" then FB...please, discuss for what we have learn and what dun understand....I can try my best to cooked for you the food, and can you also try uo best to show me you ikhlas in learning...???
remember, after training we still have 3 weeks to take rest, just rest tat time, now, please dun waste time and watse money just eat and sleep here..........
see, we are the first bath Vet from umk, do you know how is the important role from us!!!.
did you know what the view from UPM'vet students???
did you know how the high and great hope from our lecturer??
did you saw ayie punya bapa punya care for us? its really compared btw upm and umk vet...
I dun willing to become a second class vet in Malaysia!!.
Always will try my best!!!.......
its not important from others pandangan ar us.....the important is what we have in our internal...
ok, I want rest.....and have my paradol...
I'm feeling uncomfortable for whole today.
I'm still attend the farm particle as usual.
Today we went the farm around 9am.
On the way, I'm feeling tired, and when enter the farm I'm feeling very uncomfortable.
Headache, blurry in visual , tasteless for my tongue, feeling dehydration.
and...one thing to worry is what to do for today, since I asked for my one teammate to decided and think for the objective today, but he just said : "dun know", what the bikin panas answer from him, try lah discuss with me, dun just always waiting for my idea.
He was asking me " what to do for us today" when I'm feeling uncomfortable, so I just answered him : " fikir lah sendiri!!!"...I'm really hot that time. every after dinner I will asked and tried to discuss the objective for next day but always let me disappointed.
DUN JUST BE A VET ON PAPER!!..try your best for every things! although I know this is pig farm.
I out from farm early today, and try to have sleep or take rest in home,,but cnt sleep...opppsss...
and the Doctor from JPV was coming....chatted with us....is feeling guilty as so much things we still dun know. How dare they answered the doctor so confident er??!!!?? never think for objective until now!! and never have prepared the question to ask Mr.Tan., what they want asked just the "CUTI BILA and MOTOR" if not mistake form me!!! OMG!!..
Did you guys know why I asked u all back for smebahyang Jumaat first , actually I know Mr.Tan punya style, and I want try to ask him one by one..and have prepared some question to him, but have you guys feel interesting to asked what the conversation between us..just wait me to tell you all, never ask yet!! lols...so disappointed ar....please, hold every chance in learning, dun lazy...ask and discuss for what dun understand, ....dun just back home and waiting for food and boom many many thing on FB..one thing, my FB is put private, only friends can read my FB, yours?? so dun put that thing which can make effect for someone, including the farm. should let us discuss first.
and one thing, please be puncture!!! we are 21 years old. hold the time tightly okie.!!! you are the future doctor!! be responsible for your promise and your time. If I said we go farm 8am next day, and please be walk to farm together at 8am, not just out from bath room at 8am,then still wanna open FB for few minutes!!! oh no!!!!!!!!!......people tell 2pm got this activities, he will called you. But we should going to farm around 2pm and not waiting for his called!!! if we go that time, but tak ada activities tu, then never mind lah, we can do next day. If we have not go, but the activities is carry out at 2pm, what the loss from you do you know, try think!!!..you are my friend, I wrote here want you understand and learn it, I'm not perfect, but please, learn for now!!! you are the new generation for Malaysia!!!..if you dun change, I dare to say " why not just let British or Japanese to jajah our country, they are more strong and dominance from you!!..see, our government, this is why our country is improve so slow!!..work is postpone and postpone time to time, late and late, not keep promise and not responsible, and the YB or NC or YPPP all are not in puncture too!!!!...what the bad to all!!!!...PLEASE, improve!!!...not only the loss for you if you are not in puncture, for me too, I need to wait you because you are late and slow!!! Learn it please!!...did u know, when I reached the farm for castration learning, the worker was told me "adik, sorry tak ada call kamu!!" but he bring me to the place doing castration!!! can u think., If you waiting for call in home, what can become and what the loss for you!! I tell you not because I angry, im not angry, but I bikin disappointed ......
and I bough the Paradol Active fast at the shop after done the castration...
take one paradol and I sleep....and wake up cook.... and now, I'm tired...
please have good thing to show me tomorrow...
I dun want just come here like for play, and I cook for you all as scared kamu lapar and kesian you all tak ada kedai makanan melayu...but I dun wan you all just ate and said " wow, kenyang!!!" then FB...please, discuss for what we have learn and what dun understand....I can try my best to cooked for you the food, and can you also try uo best to show me you ikhlas in learning...???
remember, after training we still have 3 weeks to take rest, just rest tat time, now, please dun waste time and watse money just eat and sleep here..........
see, we are the first bath Vet from umk, do you know how is the important role from us!!!.
did you know what the view from UPM'vet students???
did you know how the high and great hope from our lecturer??
did you saw ayie punya bapa punya care for us? its really compared btw upm and umk vet...
I dun willing to become a second class vet in Malaysia!!.
Always will try my best!!!.......
its not important from others pandangan ar us.....the important is what we have in our internal...
ok, I want rest.....and have my paradol...
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
a new day now....21/07/11
wow...now is a new day...
new day, new hope, it always as my mind.
just on Facebook,
I saw one rubbish inbox from friend,
always asked me to help them vote this and there,
opps..I'm so lazy, and I....delete the msg..hehe..sorry er~
and, I just awake why my FB got so much inbox,
msg form good friends,
msg as rubbish just now,
msg which will made you emo one..
so.....as for my mind,
new day new hope,
so its not need to save all that msg...
meaningless I think...
so I just tried to delete all..
wow...empty, the feeling is good!!! really!!!
my life...full with my dream..my dream is not same to others...
Its always different in what in my mind and what my choose and dream .><..hehe
new day, new hope, it always as my mind.
just on Facebook,
I saw one rubbish inbox from friend,
always asked me to help them vote this and there,
opps..I'm so lazy, and I....delete the msg..hehe..sorry er~
and, I just awake why my FB got so much inbox,
msg form good friends,
msg as rubbish just now,
msg which will made you emo one..
so.....as for my mind,
new day new hope,
so its not need to save all that msg...
meaningless I think...
so I just tried to delete all..
wow...empty, the feeling is good!!! really!!!
my life...full with my dream..my dream is not same to others...
Its always different in what in my mind and what my choose and dream .><..hehe
Today, I'm wake up around 7am.
wow, what the amazing made me feeling happy was my teammate was wake up early and not like before he still lying on bed when I finished taken morning bath. lols.
mea today he is keep his promise in puncture..hihi
Today ,I has my second post-mortem of the weaner.
It is female, maybe age between 3 till 4monts, dark color skin.
This time of post-mortem I done with akmal,
seriously, it is tired.
next time I dun willing to do for any more.
sweating and sweating.
the death pig is worst.
accumulation of fluid around the respiration cavity, have the pleunopneumonia, lungs haemorhage, inflammation as white spot is saw, and heart problem: its enlarge in muscle and swollen, soft and fluidly.
stomach was empty and bloating as full filled with gas.
afternoon home, I'm accidentally have a small angry to my one teammate.
this is due to his words and his reply which made me to remind the another person who I'm feeling unsatidfied when he was argufy with me....as that person is always live with his own incorrect and unacceptable theory..
but for my teammate, I know he is innocent in replying it, so I'm not angry de..haha.
not point to angry in life actually...
if angry, what the hurt just for uoself and the people around.
so stay well.
wow, what the amazing made me feeling happy was my teammate was wake up early and not like before he still lying on bed when I finished taken morning bath. lols.
mea today he is keep his promise in puncture..hihi
Today ,I has my second post-mortem of the weaner.
It is female, maybe age between 3 till 4monts, dark color skin.
This time of post-mortem I done with akmal,
seriously, it is tired.
next time I dun willing to do for any more.
sweating and sweating.
the death pig is worst.
accumulation of fluid around the respiration cavity, have the pleunopneumonia, lungs haemorhage, inflammation as white spot is saw, and heart problem: its enlarge in muscle and swollen, soft and fluidly.
stomach was empty and bloating as full filled with gas.
afternoon home, I'm accidentally have a small angry to my one teammate.
this is due to his words and his reply which made me to remind the another person who I'm feeling unsatidfied when he was argufy with me....as that person is always live with his own incorrect and unacceptable theory..
but for my teammate, I know he is innocent in replying it, so I'm not angry de..haha.
not point to angry in life actually...
if angry, what the hurt just for uoself and the people around.
so stay well.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Today's objective from us is " learning the feeding system in the pig farm".
I'm wake up with having a pleasure mood.
But incidentally I was changing my mood when looking my team mate was not in puncture.
so, one advised to my team mate : I dislike people not puncture,ok. haha.
I'm not angry lah, but dislike.hehe
At first, we have reaching the farm when all the workers are starting their work.
For learning feeding system, we're started it from the feed manufacture house in the pig farm.
what we have learn from there is we know the type/band of feed which have choose by the pig farm for feeding and the process mixing the feed by machine in the processing house and the content is according on the nutrition list.
ATTENTION, the price for those machines for mixing all the feed was RM 200,000-RM300,000 in 20 years before, and now, at lease or more than RM 700,000.....(information from the boss)
we have used 1 hours more for discussing and investigating the feed mixing machines from one step to steps...it totally have 8 tons within the motor for mixing feed....the tons is function for filling the corn and soya bean which after the smallest process.(we divided into ton A for corn and ton B for soya bean,easily to understand)
And the next process is the content from ton A and ton B is transferred to another ton (ton C) and filling inside within weight measure function.
The final step is the content in ton C will be pass to the hole on the floor which the paip of ton D is horizontally to the hole, and the worker will mix the others content such as fishmeal, CP, premix in to the hole and able the machine to mixing and pass up and filling in ton D. next , it have a way to passing the complete feed to the Tons at outside which filling the feed for prestarter, grower, finisher, sow and mix respectively.
the funny thing we have in the learning process today is the record of nutritional list on the white broad in the house. we were washing 1 hour for asking and understanding what the words wrote on the broad.
Lintu, Sathu, Thotu, Ada anna, thata anna, Jacorn, Kacham, UKgamn, Allus, Khasas,?!!??????????????
we asked for the first worker, he is answered us and I still blurring....
asking and asking for understand it, but I still blurring.......
finally, have another old worker was coming...
CATCH the chance for asking....
oppsss...baru faham!!!......
Lintu is prestater, ( but blur, he said this is the feed for piglet after weaning...)
Sathu is weaner,
Thatu is finisher,
Ada anna is ada anak,
thata anna is tak ada anak...
Jacorn is Jakong,
Kacham is kacang,
Allus and kasas are wheat.???...
honestly, I'm just 50% what from his brief..haha..
but thanks a lot to the worker lah....
and I had asked for the worker what is this language...
he said is " BAHASA MALAYSIA"
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! erh~@@
haha. I think next junior who will have their training in this farm must learn for Nepal language first before coming.haha.
I'm wake up with having a pleasure mood.
But incidentally I was changing my mood when looking my team mate was not in puncture.
so, one advised to my team mate : I dislike people not puncture,ok. haha.
I'm not angry lah, but dislike.hehe
At first, we have reaching the farm when all the workers are starting their work.
For learning feeding system, we're started it from the feed manufacture house in the pig farm.
what we have learn from there is we know the type/band of feed which have choose by the pig farm for feeding and the process mixing the feed by machine in the processing house and the content is according on the nutrition list.
ATTENTION, the price for those machines for mixing all the feed was RM 200,000-RM300,000 in 20 years before, and now, at lease or more than RM 700,000.....(information from the boss)
we have used 1 hours more for discussing and investigating the feed mixing machines from one step to steps...it totally have 8 tons within the motor for mixing feed....the tons is function for filling the corn and soya bean which after the smallest process.(we divided into ton A for corn and ton B for soya bean,easily to understand)
And the next process is the content from ton A and ton B is transferred to another ton (ton C) and filling inside within weight measure function.
The final step is the content in ton C will be pass to the hole on the floor which the paip of ton D is horizontally to the hole, and the worker will mix the others content such as fishmeal, CP, premix in to the hole and able the machine to mixing and pass up and filling in ton D. next , it have a way to passing the complete feed to the Tons at outside which filling the feed for prestarter, grower, finisher, sow and mix respectively.
the funny thing we have in the learning process today is the record of nutritional list on the white broad in the house. we were washing 1 hour for asking and understanding what the words wrote on the broad.
Lintu, Sathu, Thotu, Ada anna, thata anna, Jacorn, Kacham, UKgamn, Allus, Khasas,?!!??????????????
we asked for the first worker, he is answered us and I still blurring....
asking and asking for understand it, but I still blurring.......
finally, have another old worker was coming...
CATCH the chance for asking....
oppsss...baru faham!!!......
Lintu is prestater, ( but blur, he said this is the feed for piglet after weaning...)
Sathu is weaner,
Thatu is finisher,
Ada anna is ada anak,
thata anna is tak ada anak...
Jacorn is Jakong,
Kacham is kacang,
Allus and kasas are wheat.???...
honestly, I'm just 50% what from his brief..haha..
but thanks a lot to the worker lah....
and I had asked for the worker what is this language...
he said is " BAHASA MALAYSIA"
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! erh~@@
haha. I think next junior who will have their training in this farm must learn for Nepal language first before coming.haha.
![]() |
see!!!!!!! Bahasa apa ???haha... |
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Yesterday was the first day we went to Georgetown since we have staying here already one week.
we went there by bus....
From Pantai Acheh to Balik Pulau, rm1.40.....continues from Balik Pulau to Komtar. rm3.40.haha.
we went to shopping there and bought nothing actually.
what the best was I had met up with my school teacher.Miss.Looi Ling Ling.
she is still same, still funny funny and cute.
she had brought me to have lunch at x-halal place so I need to leave my Malay friends.
haha...so paiseh ok ..>< have uo own time.
And very thanks to Miss.Looi as she had sent us back to Balik Pulau and we go home by next bus.
hope to meet u again by next week.
just wake up and I open my twitter.
have continues chat with one of my malay girl coursemate,who are unwilling to have training at the place and feeling boring and she compared with mine.
so....I also made a advise want she can realx and enjoy it, dun think more.
after have a post on twitter, then I always have made a related post on FB...the post jz want to gv her.
we went there by bus....
From Pantai Acheh to Balik Pulau, rm1.40.....continues from Balik Pulau to Komtar. rm3.40.haha.
we went to shopping there and bought nothing actually.
what the best was I had met up with my school teacher.Miss.Looi Ling Ling.
she is still same, still funny funny and cute.
she had brought me to have lunch at x-halal place so I need to leave my Malay friends.
haha...so paiseh ok ..>< have uo own time.
And very thanks to Miss.Looi as she had sent us back to Balik Pulau and we go home by next bus.
hope to meet u again by next week.
just wake up and I open my twitter.
have continues chat with one of my malay girl coursemate,who are unwilling to have training at the place and feeling boring and she compared with mine.
so....I also made a advise want she can realx and enjoy it, dun think more.
after have a post on twitter, then I always have made a related post on FB...the post jz want to gv her.
"just doing for what you should and what you have, don't always compared with the others fortunate, but actually you are the fortunate in. You can gain some benefits from here, but at the same time,you must loss some dominance about there."
this is the post by me for today.....then....wow.....I think haf someone is over sensitive and terasa, then he also post on FB something ...I felt it is direct to me maybe...bt I not sure...and I dun care yet.haha..If he really terasa, and what he wrote there is more reflected to him self I think...haha....nvr lah, If I care for it, x habis2 pun..lolszxz...then banyak masalah2 lah them...lolszs...I jz live in my own world ok, so dun kacau lah....I dun care liao lah..aiyor....why you always made life so suffer de....
u tis ppl, I wan ask u lol.....izit alone jiu cnt alive ar? los...boring jiu always need to blamed ppl nt care u or msg u ar? los...silent will die meh?los....made many many complain then can earn money ar?los....jealous ppl can solve problem ar?los....really dun understand why gt such ppl.....u r boy leh, dun made thng like tat lah, uo external and internal y so imbalance one????????????
U said is my wrong, I said u r weird..when I asked to solve our problem together,then u said rubbish and fucking thing, bt told to another, the third ppl cn solve the problem meh? siao de!!! los...made thing susah, then talk to other is my problem ..loss...I jz try to keep it dun wan to spoil uo mask...los...
U said is my wrong, I said u r weird..when I asked to solve our problem together,then u said rubbish and fucking thing, bt told to another, the third ppl cn solve the problem meh? siao de!!! los...made thing susah, then talk to other is my problem ..loss...I jz try to keep it dun wan to spoil uo mask...los...
I gv u all thing and stay away liao u still x satisfied er???los....
I'm not u plse bro....be mature lah~tired leh~
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
3rd day
3rd day of training in pig farm.
so far, I felt more energy and interesting in learning all about the pig in medicine field and business field.
the objective by us today is : learn how to have clinical examination on pig.
First, we have tried to investigated all the healthy status of piglets around the sows.
major of them are healthy.
and the examination we have done successively was : taken the body temperature, skin temperature, pulse , respiration rate, observed on skin status, neck, head, chest , abdominal, eyes conjunctive and etc.
and we have observed all of the examination on different healthy and unhealthy piglets.
and the same things we have done for unhealthy weaner.
and the same things for sows too. but for the sows, we have tried to take the udder temperature and the udder status, and skin status around udder. we found that some of the sows are face the skin problem, itching and injury. etc.
lastly, for the boar, we taken the body temperature, skin temperature , testicular examination and testicular temperature.
after done that examination, we have a mini discussion in the lab. compared the result from our investigation and theory results.
I have learn new things today ^^.
Back from farm, we clean our home and take rest, washing clothes.
afiq : "chia, malam kita makan apa?"
Chia: " hemn~" ( haha, adalah budak, jgn bimbang okie, stay dgn sy mesti dpt makana punya...masak sedapp ^^)....><.......
my mom was calling me when I having my work in farm.
she sent me a msg: " call me when free"
haha...she is worry about me...haha.
because I'm tired and lazy to call her .
then...finally I called....haha..selamat dah!!! > <
so far, I felt more energy and interesting in learning all about the pig in medicine field and business field.
the objective by us today is : learn how to have clinical examination on pig.
First, we have tried to investigated all the healthy status of piglets around the sows.
major of them are healthy.
and the examination we have done successively was : taken the body temperature, skin temperature, pulse , respiration rate, observed on skin status, neck, head, chest , abdominal, eyes conjunctive and etc.
and we have observed all of the examination on different healthy and unhealthy piglets.
and the same things we have done for unhealthy weaner.
and the same things for sows too. but for the sows, we have tried to take the udder temperature and the udder status, and skin status around udder. we found that some of the sows are face the skin problem, itching and injury. etc.
lastly, for the boar, we taken the body temperature, skin temperature , testicular examination and testicular temperature.
after done that examination, we have a mini discussion in the lab. compared the result from our investigation and theory results.
I have learn new things today ^^.
Back from farm, we clean our home and take rest, washing clothes.
afiq : "chia, malam kita makan apa?"
Chia: " hemn~" ( haha, adalah budak, jgn bimbang okie, stay dgn sy mesti dpt makana punya...masak sedapp ^^)....><.......
my mom was calling me when I having my work in farm.
she sent me a msg: " call me when free"
haha...she is worry about me...haha.
because I'm tired and lazy to call her .
then...finally I called....haha..selamat dah!!! > <
2nd day at Pantai Acheh Training and went to sungai Pantai Acheh.
Today is the second day we have our training at Pantai Acheh, Fortress Homes Snd.Bhd pig farm.
Although the pig farm and the method we have our training by this time is great different if compared with last training, but I have tried my best to hold all the chance in learning.
we have not any veterinarian can teach us in medicine field, but what we can do is more believe to the workers in the pig farm and Mr.Tan and Mr. Ng ,who had contain rich knowledge about pig farm management.
never mind, everything just try our best and thinking positive..
this is the way to made us more independent and confident.
we know what to do everyday,
we know how to made our objective/target for everyday,
we learn how to have communication with foreign and people rich in experience eg: Mr.Tan.
we know how is the fact of life and business from Mr.Tan.
we know how to survive independent,
we know how to life together and take care for friends without race and culture compared.
we know how to divided work.
we know how to accept the fact and made it in right way and do everything well.
actually I think this is a good farm for us to learn.
we are freedom walk around the farm and we are freedom to learn everything in farm within every people.
although most of them have not theory as us but what they have is their experience.
some time I will difficult to their brief but I just accept it and learn more by self after this.
what I have learn in this two days are: ( a lot)
01.sperm collection
02. semen extending
03.Artificial insemination
04. detect on-heat oestrus sow.
05. made distilled water.
06. cut newborn piglet teeth....declicking
07. observed of abortion.
08. looked the live show, parturation.
09. injection of betamox, antibotics,oxytocin
10. sending of finisher to lorry.
11. observed on pig' skin condition.
One word!!!!!!!!!! must more SEMANGAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lucky to have training with good friends, akmal and afiq.....><
if not, huh~sure boring always if same training with ppl I dislike or ppl dislike me.lolzx.
Sungai Pantai acheh~~~ lolzxz...c akmal punya FB gambar jer lah.....hahhaaa....ok jugak lah...^^
Although the pig farm and the method we have our training by this time is great different if compared with last training, but I have tried my best to hold all the chance in learning.
we have not any veterinarian can teach us in medicine field, but what we can do is more believe to the workers in the pig farm and Mr.Tan and Mr. Ng ,who had contain rich knowledge about pig farm management.
never mind, everything just try our best and thinking positive..
this is the way to made us more independent and confident.
we know what to do everyday,
we know how to made our objective/target for everyday,
we learn how to have communication with foreign and people rich in experience eg: Mr.Tan.
we know how is the fact of life and business from Mr.Tan.
we know how to survive independent,
we know how to life together and take care for friends without race and culture compared.
we know how to divided work.
we know how to accept the fact and made it in right way and do everything well.
actually I think this is a good farm for us to learn.
we are freedom walk around the farm and we are freedom to learn everything in farm within every people.
although most of them have not theory as us but what they have is their experience.
some time I will difficult to their brief but I just accept it and learn more by self after this.
what I have learn in this two days are: ( a lot)
01.sperm collection
02. semen extending
03.Artificial insemination
04. detect on-heat oestrus sow.
05. made distilled water.
06. cut newborn piglet teeth....declicking
07. observed of abortion.
08. looked the live show, parturation.
09. injection of betamox, antibotics,oxytocin
10. sending of finisher to lorry.
11. observed on pig' skin condition.
One word!!!!!!!!!! must more SEMANGAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lucky to have training with good friends, akmal and afiq.....><
if not, huh~sure boring always if same training with ppl I dislike or ppl dislike me.lolzx.
Sungai Pantai acheh~~~ lolzxz...c akmal punya FB gambar jer lah.....hahhaaa....ok jugak lah...^^
Monday, July 11, 2011
Pig farm
Pig farm.
i"m here.
Pulau Pinang, Pantai Acheh...
This is the place where I having my first training at pig farm.
I love all the challenges now..
and I love this way of life~
i"m here.
Pulau Pinang, Pantai Acheh...
This is the place where I having my first training at pig farm.
I love all the challenges now..
and I love this way of life~
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Drive to Mersing~
I had drive to Mersing today.
First, I went visited my anty who already long time no see de..haha..still healty.
Second, we bought Chibi Marukon Chan to visited doctor because she is sick.
Third, I went for brought some things I want...Fish!!!!!!! haha
then, we went to had lunch at Chicken Delight Mersing....
just show some pictures...haaha.
First, I went visited my anty who already long time no see de..haha..still healty.
Second, we bought Chibi Marukon Chan to visited doctor because she is sick.
Third, I went for brought some things I want...Fish!!!!!!! haha
then, we went to had lunch at Chicken Delight Mersing....
![]() |
我的小小鱼缸! |
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Saturday, July 2, 2011
hahaha...sure have fun.
Haha...sure have fun when this time home.
I have 2 pets, dogs,..are called feifei and bibi...
I dun know what to made my mind so suddenly has decided to feed fish~...goldfish maybe I want...
and then put it in my room (home)....
but the problem...when I'm umk, who help me to feed them??
Hemn...the answer was give out so directly...thank you mom and sister!!!.
and...I plan to buy a Neitherland dwarf...
I'm fall in love with her when I first saw her during Vet day umk....
wow~hope to become a mini zoo in my room....
but,unwelcome cats!!!!!!!!! behind my home is a lot cats de......huh~ XD
I have 2 pets, dogs,..are called feifei and bibi...
I dun know what to made my mind so suddenly has decided to feed fish~...goldfish maybe I want...
and then put it in my room (home)....
but the problem...when I'm umk, who help me to feed them??
Hemn...the answer was give out so directly...thank you mom and sister!!!.
and...I plan to buy a Neitherland dwarf...
I'm fall in love with her when I first saw her during Vet day umk....
wow~hope to become a mini zoo in my room....
but,unwelcome cats!!!!!!!!! behind my home is a lot cats de......huh~ XD
Friday, July 1, 2011
wake a early up~
I'm wake up very early today,
around 6.00am...
I'm sure my roomate will ask me for the reason why..
usually I just wake up around 9am when holidays.
maybe they will think I wake up early just for study because tomorrow have exam.
but, the real answer is : No...this is due to....effect of coffee...
I had drink a cup of coffee last night...
do you believe, I'm insomnia....
I never sleep last night,
my brain still fresh...
but I force myself to sleep,
and was lying on my bed within fresh brain...
Oh my goodness...I cnt sleep....
but I'm tired....
so....waiting and waiting.....6am...
is time to wake up and is time to allow open lamp I think...
hope gonna sleep later....maybe 9am....huh~
Thanks coffee for you effect k.....lolzxz.....
felling headache de...habis!!!!!!!!!!
around 6.00am...
I'm sure my roomate will ask me for the reason why..
usually I just wake up around 9am when holidays.
maybe they will think I wake up early just for study because tomorrow have exam.
but, the real answer is : No...this is due to....effect of coffee...
I had drink a cup of coffee last night...
do you believe, I'm insomnia....
I never sleep last night,
my brain still fresh...
but I force myself to sleep,
and was lying on my bed within fresh brain...
Oh my goodness...I cnt sleep....
but I'm tired....
so....waiting and waiting.....6am...
is time to wake up and is time to allow open lamp I think...
hope gonna sleep later....maybe 9am....huh~
Thanks coffee for you effect k.....lolzxz.....
felling headache de...habis!!!!!!!!!!
Remain 2 days.
Huh~falsafah ilmu and kenegaraan Malaysia just remain 2 days to prepare..
I'm scared this is because I haven start for this two subjects before, just very start by today...
then, what I can do is.....just talk to myself...
you can do it, you can finish it, you must do it!!!.
okie, I dun scared for that tension, I just try my best,okie my GOD!!.
please bless me in good luck, please bring me a good luck, and please looked at me!!!
and, Oh my GOD ar GOD...
I hope you can always looked at your this children.
He is live in this world,
sometime, he is a very strong children...
sometime, he is a very weak children....
sometime, he is a very important people..
sometime, he is a nothing in this world...
and now, he is in a very complicated mood,
and now, he is feeling suffer to face all...
and now, he is feeling alone.....
God, your this children is need a man who can always stay with him.
God, your this children is need a man who can always believe him.
God, your this children is need a man who can always listen to him.
God, he is need a man who looked at him.
he is willing to stay alone,
he is willing to work alone,
he is willing to sleep alone,
he is willing to silent,
but, he is need a man who only for him.
God, I felt sorry to myself,
I know I need to do something for today,
but I'm loss my attitude.
and I'm loss myself.
God, please forgive and forgave me.
your this children, just wish to have a simple life,
just wish to have simple work,
just wish to have simple friends,
just wish to have simple beloved.
what the saddest is...God,why you created him different from others....
p/s: man=human
I'm scared this is because I haven start for this two subjects before, just very start by today...
then, what I can do is.....just talk to myself...
you can do it, you can finish it, you must do it!!!.
okie, I dun scared for that tension, I just try my best,okie my GOD!!.
please bless me in good luck, please bring me a good luck, and please looked at me!!!
and, Oh my GOD ar GOD...
I hope you can always looked at your this children.
He is live in this world,
sometime, he is a very strong children...
sometime, he is a very weak children....
sometime, he is a very important people..
sometime, he is a nothing in this world...
and now, he is in a very complicated mood,
and now, he is feeling suffer to face all...
and now, he is feeling alone.....
God, your this children is need a man who can always stay with him.
God, your this children is need a man who can always believe him.
God, your this children is need a man who can always listen to him.
God, he is need a man who looked at him.
he is willing to stay alone,
he is willing to work alone,
he is willing to sleep alone,
he is willing to silent,
but, he is need a man who only for him.
God, I felt sorry to myself,
I know I need to do something for today,
but I'm loss my attitude.
and I'm loss myself.
God, please forgive and forgave me.
your this children, just wish to have a simple life,
just wish to have simple work,
just wish to have simple friends,
just wish to have simple beloved.
what the saddest is...God,why you created him different from others....
p/s: man=human
Thursday, June 30, 2011
30/06/11 was a busy day
30/06/11..we have a volleyball competition which held by our koko-volleyball team.
It is fun!..but tired.
we went to IPKB around 9am to prepared the place until 1230pm...
and went to IPKB for competition started around 330pm until 730pm..
very tired, and sunburn...
but, have a lots of memories from this activities.
><..my finger very very pain!!!!....want patah liao lah my finger..can write for exam or not??huh
now I'm very tired.
but before I sleep, I want to put a wish to one of my friend.
01/07/11, is her birthday.
when another asked me, is it you still remember this girl's birthday,
I' just "sure, mine 7/1, her is 1/7."...7117...XD
First, thank you very much to one her best friend, lot.
she was remind me come down for celebration 3 time, before going to IPKB, on the bus going back umk from IPKB, and msg....so I decided to come down, she....only the she! p,u must appreciated have such friend.
"Hey, girl, Happy birthday, 21 years old already, what is your wishes?"
"I wish you happy, lucky and healthy"...(seem the wish is same to the wishes I wrote on christmas card,bt..^^)
"and ,I'm sorry cnt bring you a wonderful birthday celebration, what I can said is it not in the correct time and sorry I dun noe what I can do...."
so, what I just wish you here as silent as possible I can...
hope you can receive my wish~..
p/s: the memories btw us....
Just now I feeling so sad as I had tried to find all my laptop and external-hardisk for our photo,
but it is sad...we have not more photo together...
from dogathon,kempen kucing,malam raya, explote vet, vetsa kuala gandah, zoo taiping and cameron,vetnight 01 and vetnigh 02, vetday, ladang visited....
then, the photo above jz our photo together...
huh~now I'm understand. ><
whatever lah, from you , i think I learn a lot things recently!!!!!!..
Happy birthday~
and I very thank to one of my friend who had msg me when I'm in complicated mood last night,....
Tq~ XD
It is fun!..but tired.
we went to IPKB around 9am to prepared the place until 1230pm...
and went to IPKB for competition started around 330pm until 730pm..
very tired, and sunburn...
but, have a lots of memories from this activities.
><..my finger very very pain!!!!....want patah liao lah my finger..can write for exam or not??huh
now I'm very tired.
but before I sleep, I want to put a wish to one of my friend.
01/07/11, is her birthday.
when another asked me, is it you still remember this girl's birthday,
I' just "sure, mine 7/1, her is 1/7."...7117...XD
First, thank you very much to one her best friend, lot.
she was remind me come down for celebration 3 time, before going to IPKB, on the bus going back umk from IPKB, and msg....so I decided to come down, she....only the she! p,u must appreciated have such friend.
"Hey, girl, Happy birthday, 21 years old already, what is your wishes?"
"I wish you happy, lucky and healthy"...(seem the wish is same to the wishes I wrote on christmas card,bt..^^)
"and ,I'm sorry cnt bring you a wonderful birthday celebration, what I can said is it not in the correct time and sorry I dun noe what I can do...."
so, what I just wish you here as silent as possible I can...
hope you can receive my wish~..
p/s: the memories btw us....
![]() | |||||
The photo we were taken when we went to kbmall together. |
the photo : explore-vet |
the photo of us by very accidentally |
photo of us with group of ppl. |
Just now I feeling so sad as I had tried to find all my laptop and external-hardisk for our photo,
but it is sad...we have not more photo together...
from dogathon,kempen kucing,malam raya, explote vet, vetsa kuala gandah, zoo taiping and cameron,vetnight 01 and vetnigh 02, vetday, ladang visited....
then, the photo above jz our photo together...
huh~now I'm understand. ><
whatever lah, from you , i think I learn a lot things recently!!!!!!..
Happy birthday~
and I very thank to one of my friend who had msg me when I'm in complicated mood last night,....
Tq~ XD
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
摩羯座 的我
你不理解摩羯的想法,没关系,他们一点也不在意,并且继 续坚守着自己的原则。他们的确不怕现实的残酷,因为早已 做好充分的准备,不管是身体上,还是心理上。所以会把浪 漫的幻想伪装成坚强的毅力,然后不断的努力。过程再辛苦 ,摩羯也不怕,而他们怕的就是付出得不到回报,就如同千 辛万苦的爬到山顶,却发现什么也没有,心像是被掏空般的 难受,只有用眼泪发泄心中的不满。 (感到很对!)
友情是水瓶的强项,也是他们的弱点。说强项,是因为他们 对待朋友一直都很真心,可以从中获得很多的乐趣,在遇到 麻烦时,也不用担心孤军作战,会得到朋友的鼎力相助。说 弱点,则是因为一旦失去,就会完全迷失方向,不知如何是 好。比如被心心念着的朋友忘记,还以为对方也一样的真诚 ,却发现一直都是自作多情,这叫水瓶怎么忍得住伤心流泪 。
有人说:男人哭了,就是真正爱了,女人哭了,就是真正放 弃了。而一心想要更多爱,柔情似水的双鱼,若是忍不住哭 了,那就一定是被爱伤透了心。对于自己喜欢的人,双鱼总 是全心全意的付出所有,而对方一个温柔的笑容,就能满足 他们的心。一次伤害并不能打击到双鱼对爱的追求,只有在 一次又一次的期望破灭之后,对方毫不留情的转身离开之后 ,他们才会彻底死心,用眼泪掩饰伤口。
作为有着强烈好奇心,又视第一为理所当然的白羊,是个充 满自信,又坚强无比的星座。面对困难和竞争,他们从来都 是斗志高昂,抱着水来土掩,兵来将挡的信念,为了心中的 理想而一战到底。在白羊看来,伤心总是一晃即逝的瞬间, 没必要在意,也记不住,就更别提会为之哭泣了。只有在他 们经过努力换来嘉奖,追求的目标也终于达成,才会兴奋的 飙出高兴的眼泪。
金牛的稳定性极强,要么不做打算,一旦做出决定,就没有 更改的必要,因为他们都是经过深思熟虑才会下定决心。当 然,金牛也很相信自己的判断力,可以说是不打没准备的战 。有些内敛的他们,不会喜怒无常,换一种说法,就是行事 相当低调,不会用眼泪来吸引别人的注意力,也不会把眼泪 当做表现的工具,除非一直期待的希望落空,不但没有安慰 ,无处倾诉,还得不到别人的谅解,金牛就会找个没人的地 方默默流泪。
在刚开始人生长河行驶的时候,双子并没有想过停泊港口的 存在,或者说是认为没必要。毕竟他们的兴趣太多,被吸引 出走的可能性也太大,为了不让自己被什么牵绊住,双子总 是在一个又一个的停泊点来来又去去,却不做过多的停留。 也许是物极必反,漂泊久了的人,一旦陷入到感情的漩涡, 就会想要天长地久,而这样的理想若是被现实的残酷所取代 ,相爱的恋人不得不分手,双子会是哭的最凶的那一个。
温柔如巨蟹,是非常富有同情心的。而忧郁的情怀也因此时 常环绕着他们,可以说,巨蟹心怀天下,总是想要把爱送到 每个角落,让所有人都感受到温暖,而他们自己却没有办法 做到全身而退。于是巨蟹总是在看到别人不幸哭泣,而跟着 忍不住流泪,不管是发生在身边的,还是在电视上看到的, 只要那个场景有一丝感动人心,巨蟹就会泪如雨下,甚至失 声痛哭,仿佛那些不幸是发生在自己身上一般。
狮子的确是个自信到自大,自负到自恋的星座。他们做事光 明磊落,不拘小节,总是抓紧时间,充分享受着爱与被爱的 幸福,并且乐此不疲的追逐着在世人看来俗气的功成名就。 不仅是为了获取炫耀的资本,满足自尊心,也是为了地久天 长的爱恋。骄傲如狮子,怎么可能轻易落泪。一直都自信的 以为回报的情感会比自己给予的要多,一心一意也是理所当 然,可是对方不只分心,还没有预兆的背叛了,角落里狮子 终于忍不住泪流满面。
一直以来,处女都把完美当做毕生追求的理想,而他们也无 时无刻在为之做出努力。不管是学习,工作,还是恋爱,就 算是一场游戏,处女也会很用心的做到有始有终。丰富的情 感,和华丽的知性美,不是伪装的高雅,而是坚定的信念。 所以,这场奢华的追逐赛,就算不是用尽心血,也是用心良 苦。一旦他们愿意放弃一直坚守的标准,真诚以对,牺牲一 直珍惜的完美,却换来不屑的嘲讽,处女无路可退,只剩下 忍不住的哭泣。
天秤因为害怕空虚的寂寞,所以会很温顺的接受可行的的一 切安排,不是不懂反抗,而是认为没有反抗的必要。而他们 也是极易烦躁的星座,不是不再善良,而是多愁善感的太过 面面俱到,只要一方失衡,天秤的心也跟着乱起来。下决定 从来就不是天秤的强项,一颗容易被扰乱的心,一旦陷入矛 盾的挣扎,就会如火山爆发般不可收拾。到底应该选什么, 究竟应该怎么办,焦急的天秤会忍不住流泪,在哭泣中寻求 镇定。
天蝎若是爱上一个人,会爱到骨子里,爱到不给自己留任何 退路。当然,不是不给对方选择的权利,只不过一旦约定, 就不容反悔。你可以直接的告诉他们,不再爱了,但不可以 背地里玩欺骗,要知道爱极了是会生恨的。坚强的天蝎对于 外界的纷纷扰扰可以不动声色,可一旦面对爱人的欺骗,就 忍不住偷偷掉眼泪。
对于自由的追求,射手一直都很积极,毫不怠慢。但生活毕 竟是现实,而现实也的确是不容抗拒的,为了生存,我们不 得不接受一些约束,习惯一些不自在。所以,当乐观开朗的 射手,眼看着快乐,却没办法去抓住,感到力不从心,为了 工作,为了安稳,越来越觉得失去了自我的时候,就会忍不 住的大哭一场,然后不停的问自己,为什么,为什么会变成 这样。
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
I like this sentences from her~ ^^
Do you think you are good enough?
Your action has proven your immaturity.
ps: I am sorry, and you should also be sorry for your stupid actionI agreed with you girl......XD .
btw, if i hurt u too, then sorry er...I really just said out what my thinking ,but I still proud u r clever betul-betul lah!!! haha. ^^
Monday, June 27, 2011
有时候,我只是需 要一个可以说话的人,多希望那个人是你。
有时候,我真想你能懂我,即使我什么都不说 。
有时候,我在乎的 不是你所说的,而是那些你没有说的。
有时候,我多希望你呆在我身边,无需说什么,只是一句: 你好吗?
今天的我,开始欢迎喜欢我的人来我的部落格! (only welcome the people who like me,ok) ^^
最不能切少的就是: 自己的观察和判断了。
这就是我判断人事物 的做法了~
最不能切少的就是: 自己的观察和判断了。
这就是我判断人事物 的做法了~
Thursday, June 23, 2011
new update..
recently, I'm busy with prepared for Vet day.
Yesterday was our open ceremony.Its well, although tired.
Tonight, I'm still same, back to room around 2am, its better than last two night which back on around 3 and 330am....just prepared for our job..exhausted! but......nice..
I have nothing to say actually,
because my feeling is quite complicated and dun understand.
But, I just go ahead with my job....
keep silent..
keep off mouth..
keep off heart...
keep off eyes...
keep off feeling...
keep off angry...
keep off dreaming...
keep off thinking...
keep off guessing..
keep off negative..
keep away from someone who like to talk behind ppl..
and keep away from the people dun believe at me...
then....I just felt my life is so lightly and not need to care too much~.
busy and busy my life..
anesthesia my nerve in thinking....
Just believe God, not judge....because we just a simple man...
stop judge, away judge,
and just open heart, open mind...
everything is well...~ ^^
okie, 4am now....
need to sleep and wake a early up for Vet-day...GAMPATEH!!!
Yesterday was our open ceremony.Its well, although tired.
Tonight, I'm still same, back to room around 2am, its better than last two night which back on around 3 and 330am....just prepared for our job..exhausted! but......nice..
I have nothing to say actually,
because my feeling is quite complicated and dun understand.
But, I just go ahead with my job....
keep silent..
keep off mouth..
keep off heart...
keep off eyes...
keep off feeling...
keep off angry...
keep off dreaming...
keep off thinking...
keep off guessing..
keep off negative..
keep away from someone who like to talk behind ppl..
and keep away from the people dun believe at me...
then....I just felt my life is so lightly and not need to care too much~.
busy and busy my life..
anesthesia my nerve in thinking....
Just believe God, not judge....because we just a simple man...
stop judge, away judge,
and just open heart, open mind...
everything is well...~ ^^
okie, 4am now....
need to sleep and wake a early up for Vet-day...GAMPATEH!!!
Sunday, June 19, 2011
busy recent~
Recent day, I'm busy with some VET activities...
Vetnight was organized on last night.
This Vet-night is okie okie nia...nothing special feeling~
but I felt they were lack of time in practice and some part was boring.
but overall was okie....
Lazy to talk more, just upload some of photo I like~
Okie, that's all photos, lazy to upload more~88
Vetnight was organized on last night.
This Vet-night is okie okie nia...nothing special feeling~
but I felt they were lack of time in practice and some part was boring.
but overall was okie....
Lazy to talk more, just upload some of photo I like~
![]() | |
this is my photo, I like this photo~XD |
still my photo, looked like star enter the VIP room!! wkaka, perasan pulak >< |
photo with my Chinese boy juniors..GOH and SIA. Cute boys~ |
photo with roomate yang tak betul XD... |
photo with "Gay partner" wkakaa...is it looked like Gay!!! YES, I'm...so what~ hahaha lolzxzxz..please lah people, open uo mind sikip, mcm ni jer cakap orgn gay!lolzxzx. FUZK UUUUUUU!!! XP. |
Going back, lucky de~ |
.....^^....wkakkakaa....like this photo~ |
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Crazy day~
haha....just back from shopping...
went with my sakai friend,also coursemate ,also roomate..mohd.akmal...
he bought the DSLR 5100....best gila....I hope to get one soon....hehe...it made me felt more interesting in photographic...
and I bought the broadband...Maxis punya...because it is more good using in umk dan penang....but my home ,i dun noe...
hahahahaa........told a lot of crazy btw us, laughing and laughing....stupid enough words from us.hemn, of course, me more...haha..
okie, now is tried using my broadband...wow...satisfied....
haish~rm58 per month....must keep my mouth in food due to replace payment for broadband de...huhhuhu~
went with my sakai friend,also coursemate ,also roomate..mohd.akmal...
he bought the DSLR 5100....best gila....I hope to get one soon....hehe...it made me felt more interesting in photographic...
and I bought the broadband...Maxis punya...because it is more good using in umk dan penang....but my home ,i dun noe...
hahahahaa........told a lot of crazy btw us, laughing and laughing....stupid enough words from us.hemn, of course, me more...haha..
okie, now is tried using my broadband...wow...satisfied....
haish~rm58 per month....must keep my mouth in food due to replace payment for broadband de...huhhuhu~
Friday, June 10, 2011
"minta maaf kpd sesiapa yg pernah sedih2 atau kecewa2 disbbkan aku selalu ckp gurau mcn jahat bg kamu, aku ingat org yg aku buat gurau2 tu boleh terima just as fun, tetapi......haha......okie,not more gurau dah , sori yer kawan2~ ><"
this is my post one fb tonight...actually i wan to continuos the sentences after tetapi...
Tetapi, ada lah orng yg sy memang tau dia benci style sy tu, ckp bad thng kah sy bg org lain...haha..
dun worry lah, sy memang tak marah kah kamu siapa siapa tu.....jz for joking avoid boring nia...
sorry banyak2 k.><
that is why my secondary school friends said im noob..
that is why my kmp friends said im sakai..
that is why my uni friends said im bongok..
but, not all friends here are accept me rather than all kmp and secondary school friends were accept me..okie....
dun ask me why so silent next time or got problem ok...........this is why done before...
haish~susahnya hidup....tapi penuh cabaran, nice!!!! ><
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Happy dokumentari vs Rubbish piss off mood
Today, my group's documentari is finished, nice video clip between.
It got fun! all our idea, just to make audience not will feel to bore in watch our video.
hahahaaa...nice job....
okie, this work is finished. ><
Falsafah ilmu, yerrr~
i cnt undestand lah~...huh...
walaupun xundestand, i oso buat jer lah...
at lease...at lease...siap sudah...>< haha
remind about friends....haish~friends again....
what's wrong with me...lolzz
did you know how hurt is it when you tried your best to friend again with the wrong'people!!
but, the problem is...the wrong'people still jual mahal and reject for anything...lolz..
You girls never know what my feeling, why I'm sensitive like this:
01. when I tried to friend him again, he told me : just treat him as transparent!!!
02. when I tried to asked for the reason why he acted so, he just told me : not reason to you, something cannot tell you, only the suitable people can shared to, she more understand..but,boy, the thing is, this is our problem, you should let me know, not her!!.
03.when I tried my hard to fix our situation, to asked u wanna to sit together on bus (when before gone to second voluntary vet) u jz reply me, u r perfect to sit alone, its empty..bt did u know hw I tried my hard to open mouth to told to u..haish~
04. when I tried to have dinner with him together, he just told me : not...I'm not hungry...but....went with some~
so..tats all still my false???
sound hurt like...~but I;m okie...I also dun noe what wrong with me..he hurt me, wrote stupid on FB more than 3 time, he started to ignored, he started to talk my bad at my back to some coursemate...
but did u know what was the most hurt from u to me, is..that time u post on FB about friend,coursemate and roomate thing, I angry and msg u " then, is it I'm uo friend not" .....what the great hurt msg from u was : "I dun noe, I cnt answer u, I also dun noe what is friend to be"....that time u always with uo FASA friends, 4gt us, said what this my friend do what do what , this my friend buy what buy what...then how dare u tell me dun noe what is friend er!!!!!!!!! tis was what i angry very!!!..and i pun reply u with very cool down mood : okie, I saw u answer clearly, tq for hurt".......
u said,I treat everyone Great, but not for you.....when u said this,have u try to think why I act so..
I tell u, I treat u as the paling best and as my best friend before..we can shared everythng...
but, as time gone, I know wat u dislike, u had told me, i rmb, u said u dislike ppl touch u, dislike ppl like childish, dislke ppl what and what, all i rmb, and I jz dun acted such thing with u as u said u dislike...mana tau, u said I'm treat u different..what the Great!!!fuck u boy!!!! what the hell with u boy....is it u think boy can not be best friend, must be girl?? as u think, fuck, I know u...damn! u made me treat different to u man, u made it!! if u cn treat me like them, I will treat double good to u, this is hw i treat friend.....lolz.
01.when I decided to stop msg him any notice as he said i disturb his life before, but I still asked one my closer friend help to msg him any notice..
02. when I saw he dun noe trip or class, and just went with blur blur, I pun felt kesian him, msg him again nx notice...huh..I'm stupid.
03. when he stay another blok, is his choose, but I still kesian help him take book and assignment paper...
04. when he said alone, I also chat with him on FB chatting, but he stop~
05. when he said face financial critical, I pun msg him, if need, can borrow from me...enough stupid me again!
huh~so suffer to be uo friend? or, only me??
I dun know you, really lah boy....
just due to you, I'm sad and down...
just due to you, I angry with around...
just due to you, I loss myself.....
why I need?? I also dun noe....
I'm still not a friend??? not enough I do for you....??
what you saw just my superficial, hard to u...
but, never see my internal...help u...........huh~
one thing I need to let SHE know..
hey girls,you said u girls know this boy first, this is the point..
but I need you to know this, I spent my time with u girls more....tq~
and one thing to tell u,
i dun wan to fighting for everything..
its tired u know? or in uo mind u always wan to fight with who else..
so u said so...very disappointed to saw u wrote there..
U r sensitive, u admit it.
do u know what is the benefit to a sensitive ppl?
they are the group of ppl who can more take care to their friends feeling..
because they know what the reason can change one mood in a moment...
but, you din not made it.
I hope I can let you know it, but I scared you sensitive again...
so..nevermind lah~
i said again..I just treat everyone as friends~~~
including you, my friend~
I know I'm not your part,
but I really think I'm your friend~
It got fun! all our idea, just to make audience not will feel to bore in watch our video.
hahahaaa...nice job....
okie, this work is finished. ><
Falsafah ilmu, yerrr~
i cnt undestand lah~...huh...
walaupun xundestand, i oso buat jer lah...
at lease...at lease...siap sudah...>< haha
remind about friends....haish~friends again....
what's wrong with me...lolzz
did you know how hurt is it when you tried your best to friend again with the wrong'people!!
but, the problem is...the wrong'people still jual mahal and reject for anything...lolz..
You girls never know what my feeling, why I'm sensitive like this:
01. when I tried to friend him again, he told me : just treat him as transparent!!!
02. when I tried to asked for the reason why he acted so, he just told me : not reason to you, something cannot tell you, only the suitable people can shared to, she more understand..but,boy, the thing is, this is our problem, you should let me know, not her!!.
03.when I tried my hard to fix our situation, to asked u wanna to sit together on bus (when before gone to second voluntary vet) u jz reply me, u r perfect to sit alone, its empty..bt did u know hw I tried my hard to open mouth to told to u..haish~
04. when I tried to have dinner with him together, he just told me : not...I'm not hungry...but....went with some~
so..tats all still my false???
sound hurt like...~but I;m okie...I also dun noe what wrong with me..he hurt me, wrote stupid on FB more than 3 time, he started to ignored, he started to talk my bad at my back to some coursemate...
but did u know what was the most hurt from u to me, is..that time u post on FB about friend,coursemate and roomate thing, I angry and msg u " then, is it I'm uo friend not" .....what the great hurt msg from u was : "I dun noe, I cnt answer u, I also dun noe what is friend to be"....that time u always with uo FASA friends, 4gt us, said what this my friend do what do what , this my friend buy what buy what...then how dare u tell me dun noe what is friend er!!!!!!!!! tis was what i angry very!!!..and i pun reply u with very cool down mood : okie, I saw u answer clearly, tq for hurt".......
u said,I treat everyone Great, but not for you.....when u said this,have u try to think why I act so..
I tell u, I treat u as the paling best and as my best friend before..we can shared everythng...
but, as time gone, I know wat u dislike, u had told me, i rmb, u said u dislike ppl touch u, dislike ppl like childish, dislke ppl what and what, all i rmb, and I jz dun acted such thing with u as u said u dislike...mana tau, u said I'm treat u different..what the Great!!!fuck u boy!!!! what the hell with u boy....is it u think boy can not be best friend, must be girl?? as u think, fuck, I know u...damn! u made me treat different to u man, u made it!! if u cn treat me like them, I will treat double good to u, this is hw i treat friend.....lolz.
01.when I decided to stop msg him any notice as he said i disturb his life before, but I still asked one my closer friend help to msg him any notice..
02. when I saw he dun noe trip or class, and just went with blur blur, I pun felt kesian him, msg him again nx notice...huh..I'm stupid.
03. when he stay another blok, is his choose, but I still kesian help him take book and assignment paper...
04. when he said alone, I also chat with him on FB chatting, but he stop~
05. when he said face financial critical, I pun msg him, if need, can borrow from me...enough stupid me again!
huh~so suffer to be uo friend? or, only me??
I dun know you, really lah boy....
just due to you, I'm sad and down...
just due to you, I angry with around...
just due to you, I loss myself.....
why I need?? I also dun noe....
I'm still not a friend??? not enough I do for you....??
what you saw just my superficial, hard to u...
but, never see my internal...help u...........huh~
one thing I need to let SHE know..
hey girls,you said u girls know this boy first, this is the point..
but I need you to know this, I spent my time with u girls more....tq~
and one thing to tell u,
i dun wan to fighting for everything..
its tired u know? or in uo mind u always wan to fight with who else..
so u said so...very disappointed to saw u wrote there..
U r sensitive, u admit it.
do u know what is the benefit to a sensitive ppl?
they are the group of ppl who can more take care to their friends feeling..
because they know what the reason can change one mood in a moment...
but, you din not made it.
I hope I can let you know it, but I scared you sensitive again...
so..nevermind lah~
i said again..I just treat everyone as friends~~~
including you, my friend~
I know I'm not your part,
but I really think I'm your friend~
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Heaven and Hell, distance only 0.1mm.
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Genting trip~2011 |
wow...~ amazing to had met up with all, haha..the feeling was nice...
I gonna observed all of us are become mature in face, if talk negative, it is mean old lah..haha..
but, it is good thing, that is mean we are grown up day by day...
nice to meet all, hope to meet up again.
really appreciated I have such friends...
one year din't meet up, but the feeling to each others is still same like the previous,
never strange, never cool, never forget, never pressure when the time we are together...
close, warm, keep memories, happy and pleasure....hemn..thanks you all!!.
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I love this picture, edited by me..nice....kapsiao family,always together..^^ |
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have made 4 new friends at Genting.....^^ |
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the photo of my four daughters and 3 new girl friends...^^...all are beauty!. |
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have lunch together with David thoo and alan liuw..,at KL, chilli restaurant....delicious food between.^^ |
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SEE!!! how different KL and Kelantan food!!! LOlz.... |
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the first met and first picture with my daughter, wanling punya boyfriend...good ppl btw..nice boy!.wisg wanling gt sweet life from him. |
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Is time to said good bye..TT...meet you all next year ok..^^..our target: Taiwan!! Go Go GO!!!.haha. |
The happy time was past very fast.,passing without wait for any thing....but, will always keep the nice memories in heart. ^^
That time I sitting alone on the bus, thinking for eveything in my life..
the inbox was disturb and effect my mood,
I do not know what point she sent me by that color time...
sudden dark in my brain and heart,.
broken again...
but I just accept as I have prepared to face every thing..
reached hostel, I saw that inbox, and I decided to reply the honest and real answer by next day,
because I was tired that time,
not more energy to think anything,
in mind, just wanna sleep..
force and force, I wrote all all my feeling and thinking with a very honest mind..
what the Great God to me is...
she just blame and blame, wrong and wrong me again...
never and ever try to think why people said so..
and ....
really really tired within such people...
I dun care for this kind of friend already...
I cannot always to understand you all,
but how about you and you,
never and never understand my feeling..
thanks God,
it is my cabaran in life...
I'm grown up..
Important is...I'm honest to all...
I dun made fake like one...
try to think youself...
dun always blame people false, as I know you...
try to think, if i really to told uo bad in uo back, why I need to msg to uo closer friend, I'm not such stupid people..its a way as I tell you...and I mention a lot in msg and inbox, you were not awake and try to think what I want to mean...disappointed and disappointed....
I dislike cheat, hope u always remember...
between, I thank to you all too,
was my good friend before..
but I'm tired, and I cannot follow up any more.
sorry, dun made it, please STOP...
you are.....
beside honest,
every people have do wrong thing, just try to forgive and help to improve them,
this is what I defined friend..
I dun want just wanna try to got the benefit from some one and then do nothing help to them, seem like just used...and cheat yourself...
okie...I leave them...
thanks God~awake me ^^
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Saturday, May 21, 2011
dislike this feeling~
I dislike this feeling..
I'm feeling sick.
I'm feeling tired.
I'm feeling boring.
I'm feeling hungry.
I'm feeling sad.
I'm feeling sick.
I'm feeling tired.
I'm feeling boring.
I'm feeling hungry.
I'm feeling sad.
Friday, May 20, 2011
I'm reached UMK and prepared to starting my sem3.
It will be very boring semester and wasting a lots golden time to learn boring subjects : Kenegaraan Malaysia, Falsahal Ilmu, Koko (bola Tampar) and LI.
All the subjects heard just like wasting our time~
I'm not comment to our syllabus.Its worst in world I think,
but, I should learn to accept and try to satisfied.
I'm lazy to arrange all my stuff from here to there,
there to here...
crazy UMK' staff....
I had called my mom before I sleep last night.
mom still in the temple with all my relative to prepared and arrange the things for funeral ceremony for my uncle who jut passed away.
Hope all be ok.
dun so sad lolz.
just wake up,
what to do today??
o....a lot things~~~
but I'm lazy.....^^
c u..
It will be very boring semester and wasting a lots golden time to learn boring subjects : Kenegaraan Malaysia, Falsahal Ilmu, Koko (bola Tampar) and LI.
All the subjects heard just like wasting our time~
I'm not comment to our syllabus.Its worst in world I think,
but, I should learn to accept and try to satisfied.
I'm lazy to arrange all my stuff from here to there,
there to here...
crazy UMK' staff....
I had called my mom before I sleep last night.
mom still in the temple with all my relative to prepared and arrange the things for funeral ceremony for my uncle who jut passed away.
Hope all be ok.
dun so sad lolz.
just wake up,
what to do today??
o....a lot things~~~
but I'm lazy.....^^
c u..
Thursday, May 19, 2011
8.05am, the time mom to told me my uncle just pass away when I just very first open my eyes to start new day~
Oh~uncle is pass away..
what I can do is....sorry uncle, may you rest in peace...
cancer stage 4...I knew the result will be like now...
and sorry I absent your funeral ceremony,
as I need to going back to uni by bus 1130am.
Oh~uncle is pass away..
what I can do is....sorry uncle, may you rest in peace...
cancer stage 4...I knew the result will be like now...
and sorry I absent your funeral ceremony,
as I need to going back to uni by bus 1130am.
sedih ?? sick??
Just take medicine now, and wanna to have sleep.
tomorrow will be going back to UMK.
is it the reason made me felt uncomfortable?
huh~I'm really feeling sick, and just visited to doctor, MD pradjajaran..??
I'm feeling sad as my friend not believe that I'm uncomfortable,...huh~
I cancel to join the gathering tonight,
but the calling from friends made my mind to going join it..
finally, I join too..
although feeling tired ,
but I still made it energy-ful and happiness..haha
nice gathering between.
wanna sleep, just taken medicine .
okie..good night...
tomorrow will reach the hell~ c u~.
tomorrow will be going back to UMK.
is it the reason made me felt uncomfortable?
huh~I'm really feeling sick, and just visited to doctor, MD pradjajaran..??
I'm feeling sad as my friend not believe that I'm uncomfortable,...huh~
I cancel to join the gathering tonight,
but the calling from friends made my mind to going join it..
finally, I join too..
although feeling tired ,
but I still made it energy-ful and happiness..haha
nice gathering between.
wanna sleep, just taken medicine .
okie..good night...
tomorrow will reach the hell~ c u~.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Primary schol' friends gathering...
Just now I'm coming back from the small gathering with my primary school friends.
Its have a lot fun and we were non-stop eating and gossip for every things,
The life of each, the education, the problem, the others, the relationship..etc.
It is what the friends we called to.
Feeling well and relax.
Although we were long time no see, but still can tried to talked with every one and care for every one.
They are good~
Thank you for them as never forgot me.
we were different in secondary school since graduated from primary school.
As I was stay away from village and was studying alone at Mersing.
but, we still friends always and never stranger in feeling.
A lot issue to shared and talked...XD
huh~I haven coming back to UMK but saw a lot friends already made lots of complain about this boring semester...
what to do...
huh~this is the reasons....
shitty arrange...waste money waste time waste every things...
Uncle still stay in JB' hospital.
worse and worse as I know and heard.
worry and worry..
birth, Old, sick, die....this is called life...
Just Doctor brief that, the malignant kidney cancer forth stage is the caused, to the brain ,made the stroke.
And his son just got merry with a young girl,
they decided to got merry at this critical time is due to gonna pregnant already and do it before uncle pass away...I think I think...
Two days ago,
one of my 25 years old cousin was passed away.
hemn, because he was sick and mental disorder.
His dad was passed away since I'm secondary school.
His one brother was passed away due to brain cancer since I'm primary school.
His one another brother is staying in the bedlam due to mental problem too.
What the family this is.....
what the fun is..
the day cousin merry was the day another cousin passed away...
I'm 21 years old now.
I'm not the old man.
I'm looked childish sometime.
I'm looked mature sometime.
but, what the important is...now,I know what life is~
Its have a lot fun and we were non-stop eating and gossip for every things,
The life of each, the education, the problem, the others, the relationship..etc.
It is what the friends we called to.
Feeling well and relax.
Although we were long time no see, but still can tried to talked with every one and care for every one.
They are good~
Thank you for them as never forgot me.
we were different in secondary school since graduated from primary school.
As I was stay away from village and was studying alone at Mersing.
but, we still friends always and never stranger in feeling.
A lot issue to shared and talked...XD
huh~I haven coming back to UMK but saw a lot friends already made lots of complain about this boring semester...
what to do...
huh~this is the reasons....
shitty arrange...waste money waste time waste every things...
Uncle still stay in JB' hospital.
worse and worse as I know and heard.
worry and worry..
birth, Old, sick, die....this is called life...
Just Doctor brief that, the malignant kidney cancer forth stage is the caused, to the brain ,made the stroke.
And his son just got merry with a young girl,
they decided to got merry at this critical time is due to gonna pregnant already and do it before uncle pass away...I think I think...
Two days ago,
one of my 25 years old cousin was passed away.
hemn, because he was sick and mental disorder.
His dad was passed away since I'm secondary school.
His one brother was passed away due to brain cancer since I'm primary school.
His one another brother is staying in the bedlam due to mental problem too.
What the family this is.....
what the fun is..
the day cousin merry was the day another cousin passed away...
I'm 21 years old now.
I'm not the old man.
I'm looked childish sometime.
I'm looked mature sometime.
but, what the important is...now,I know what life is~
Monday, May 16, 2011
Is felt little upset as didn't register for Traditional dancing as my KOKO for this sem...
when I open the wedsite to registered for Td,
but it already 18/19...
as Tay talk me she wan Td..
then I get my place to Tay, as she is a girl,
not suitable choose for vollyball.
Then...full already for T/d...
then....I dislike Bola tampar actually and...
need to force see some...
when I open the wedsite to registered for Td,
but it already 18/19...
as Tay talk me she wan Td..
then I get my place to Tay, as she is a girl,
not suitable choose for vollyball.
Then...full already for T/d...
then....I dislike Bola tampar actually and...
need to force see some...
Result out...2nd yr 2nd sem.
Result is out today...
pom pom pom...my heart....
whatever what my result,
I'm just learn to accept it...
still ok my result...
thanks God looked at my good tried..
Although my result is no that high as others,
but I'm satisfied with my result as I knew what I was doing wrong while exam...
kantoi that three subjects...
never mind, good tried...
will try my best for every things...within my God bless...^^
pom pom pom...my heart....
whatever what my result,
I'm just learn to accept it...
still ok my result...
thanks God looked at my good tried..
Although my result is no that high as others,
but I'm satisfied with my result as I knew what I was doing wrong while exam...
kantoi that three subjects...
never mind, good tried...
will try my best for every things...within my God bless...^^
Sunday, May 15, 2011
If I'm your son, dun make any compare between me and other' son,
only me, your son...
If I'm your friend, dun make any compare between me and some one...
only me, my style....
If I'm your beloved, dun make any compare between me and other' beloved,
only me, found your love....
If I'm your real, please dun make any faked between us,
only us, the real.....
If I'm your help, please dun make me as your use,
only us, the help...
If I'm your honest, pleae dun make any cheat between us,
only us, the honest...
another way, if you like to compared me, to faked me, just use me, or to cheat me....
sorry, I'll willing to stay away....
and please just stay away...
this is because....
its very tired to looked both to wear the mask always.
Stop compared,
Stop complain,
Stop your mask.
Its better.
Trick or treat...
only me, your son...
If I'm your friend, dun make any compare between me and some one...
only me, my style....
If I'm your beloved, dun make any compare between me and other' beloved,
only me, found your love....
If I'm your real, please dun make any faked between us,
only us, the real.....
If I'm your help, please dun make me as your use,
only us, the help...
If I'm your honest, pleae dun make any cheat between us,
only us, the honest...
another way, if you like to compared me, to faked me, just use me, or to cheat me....
sorry, I'll willing to stay away....
and please just stay away...
this is because....
its very tired to looked both to wear the mask always.
Stop compared,
Stop complain,
Stop your mask.
Its better.
Trick or treat...
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Recent life~holidays.
now, I'm staying at my home with my dear mom and siblings.
is waiting for sem3 start and I felt I'm not willing to going back here, its bored.
Just finished my 2nd voluntary activities which was organized by Q, she was tired to made managed about this activities and I was feeling pity to her that the time looked she was rushing for this activities with responsibly..glad girl! Although the activities was bored me, but I was still following this activities from begin until end within happy and enjoyed mood, I should do like this, because I must respect to Q, thank for you, Its great you success in held this activities, but I'm still in honestly. this activities was damn damn damn boring!!!!
may some rubbish things made my mood spoil, but I had tried my hard to live my self and happy although alone. I'm dun willing to talk and remind what that the happen here...have trying to forget and forgive all.
I was spending my a whole day sited in the bus and came back to my campus on 1/5/11. I was tired when I reached that hell. Its no so fun, no any entertainment, no any care...it suppose to be a boring place, but I always have try to lighting up.
Next time, we went to Ipoh, Perak by UMK'bus. First, huh~ driver...fine!! dislike their slow. fucking speed made my ass was pain and became more soft I felt, just a reason due to spent long time sited on bus ==.
VRI, ok fine, that is the place just accept vet who pointed above 3.5 for work. Fortunately,I'm felt no interesting at all for lab work. damn! what the hell I'm became the ketua for doing VRI report! ish~ok fine, this is my new duty and just accept within short time and thanks to believe...Today, I'm rushing to become a driver for my mom and kakak sudara who she enter the new house and I'm busy within my permanent job~then Hezry is called me and asked about the report, I'm felling regret as I'm late to divided tugasan for each person. Just sorry to group member and myself, actually I'm decided to discuss and divided into each tugasan during Ipoh, but I heard that someone was told friend beside her "WHY SO EARLY!!" these words made I'm no interesting to start our report...erm, I'm wrong! I must do my responsible,act and finish more early and in correct time. ok. learnt!
Melacca, is a nice place...Zoo Melacca, please....no so interesting yet! damn~but for that tourism destination, wow~I'm like it!
Muar, otak2, delicious! I'm like it!! hahaa...crazy tired to walked around the Muar!!! Best!!!
and we got bought own gift for mother day!!!! haha . muaks~my mom is happy I think when received our gift!!
is waiting for sem3 start and I felt I'm not willing to going back here, its bored.
Just finished my 2nd voluntary activities which was organized by Q, she was tired to made managed about this activities and I was feeling pity to her that the time looked she was rushing for this activities with responsibly..glad girl! Although the activities was bored me, but I was still following this activities from begin until end within happy and enjoyed mood, I should do like this, because I must respect to Q, thank for you, Its great you success in held this activities, but I'm still in honestly. this activities was damn damn damn boring!!!!
may some rubbish things made my mood spoil, but I had tried my hard to live my self and happy although alone. I'm dun willing to talk and remind what that the happen here...have trying to forget and forgive all.
I was spending my a whole day sited in the bus and came back to my campus on 1/5/11. I was tired when I reached that hell. Its no so fun, no any entertainment, no any care...it suppose to be a boring place, but I always have try to lighting up.
Next time, we went to Ipoh, Perak by UMK'bus. First, huh~ driver...fine!! dislike their slow. fucking speed made my ass was pain and became more soft I felt, just a reason due to spent long time sited on bus ==.
VRI, ok fine, that is the place just accept vet who pointed above 3.5 for work. Fortunately,I'm felt no interesting at all for lab work. damn! what the hell I'm became the ketua for doing VRI report! ish~ok fine, this is my new duty and just accept within short time and thanks to believe...Today, I'm rushing to become a driver for my mom and kakak sudara who she enter the new house and I'm busy within my permanent job~then Hezry is called me and asked about the report, I'm felling regret as I'm late to divided tugasan for each person. Just sorry to group member and myself, actually I'm decided to discuss and divided into each tugasan during Ipoh, but I heard that someone was told friend beside her "WHY SO EARLY!!" these words made I'm no interesting to start our report...erm, I'm wrong! I must do my responsible,act and finish more early and in correct time. ok. learnt!
Melacca, is a nice place...Zoo Melacca, please....no so interesting yet! damn~but for that tourism destination, wow~I'm like it!
Muar, otak2, delicious! I'm like it!! hahaa...crazy tired to walked around the Muar!!! Best!!!
and we got bought own gift for mother day!!!! haha . muaks~my mom is happy I think when received our gift!!
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Happy Mother day!!!!! |
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